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high school love is great huh

ID:8OrhKJsl No.6399673 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me 16
>meet a girl two years ago
>we talk for a long ass time
>eventually she starts warming up to me
>we get to the point where we both want to live together and do shit after school
>"thing is anon, i dont want to date during high school"
>sounds good to me
>we show up to the first day of school on year 3
>both of us: "oh shit i forgot this person is great"
>we eat lunch everyday
>we pm talk everyday
>day 9 rolls around
>"anon are you dating her?"
>no we dont wanna date
>p e e r p r e s s u r e
>3 days later we are dating
>works fine for a while
>day by day we get more intimate at lunch
>most intimate was her laying on me and me rubbing her nips
>3 days after previous event (last friday)
>"anon lets go to the football game"
>mmmkay i dont like football
>we hang out for a good while
>we go to the very top of the stands
>execute horny.exe
>i proceed to love on her hugging her and shit
>shes fine with it just a bit flustered
>eventually looks kinda upset and we text eachother because we dont wanna talk
>oh shit i forgot we have a date tomorrow
>"please dont be so clingy tomorrow anon"
>got it i wasnt having much fun in the first place
>I have to be up at 4 am to do physical labor shit
>i carry wood around and build shit for 7 hours
>i clean myself to look nice
>i show up
>wait this is a double date and the other couple is a lesbian couple mmkay
>im tired af
>pretty much sad and tired the whole time
>gf doesnt wanna touch me at all
>i sleep on a table while they walk around target
>me semiconcious hears one lesbian saying "you know anon and his gf are cute and all but it really doesnt look like she likes him very much"
>i panic and wake up but dont move
>text gf on the ride back
>she doesnt wanna date me anymore
>i apologize for being a dickass
>she now only responds with "k" and "oh" and "thanks"
>im trying to be chill about it, we talked last night a little and she doesnt hate me
>today we've barely talked at all
>anon help me coop