>>6406748This, the therapist is probably a npc roastie who likes throwing buzzwords and call herself a therapist when her degree was handed to her on a silver plate. Women are mentally ill by default and you should probably fuck a hooker if you can't handle being a virgin anymore. The odds of having a sane woman are on par with having an uncorrupt politician, just remember that if you want to fall for the romance jew you're in for a wild ride that will make you regret everything you did for her. Women never contributed to nothing, they can't even get along with their own gender let alone build stuff and aid people psychologically. If there's one fucking thing women are good at aside from whining all the time after being given every privilege of the world is lock themselves in their homes and farm children while their husbands are dealing with life. I refuse to believe a woman therapist can be even trusted in the first place, you should stop the therapy if you're in the hands of a mentally ill bitch.