>>647672If you have any sort of schizoid tendencies, the occult will rope you in. This is true, I've seen it with close friends. Its self reinforcing which makes it particularly dangerous.
Disclaimer aside, you should start with your theory, then model it afterwrd. Models are supposed to be completely practical, its the whole point. I've been on /x/ for almost a decade but have sort of migrated here. Those are the types of people who will take something like the pic related and proclaim it useful or even life changing. Problem is, it's random nonsense generated by a computer.
If you really want to explore philosophy, read philosophy from acclaimed philosophers, they arent acclaimed for no reason. I can offer no direction here as Im not so good at it myself but I have found reading in general helps.
The point is, when your ready, youll have an idea that makes sense, and when explained in every detail with utter clarity, it will make sense to others, because thats how logic works. If you can only get the nonlogical lowest denominator (a lot of /x/ sadly) then it proves nothing. But if it stands up to rigourous logic and scrutiny? You may have something.
So create your model as aa way to help explain your idea with great clarity. Vagueness is a weakness in theory.