>>6441858lmao mods are shills, this belongs in pol
anyways... judging by current global events and in germany especially, we can draw immediately that whatever the germans did, justified or otherwise, either didn't change much or made things worse. this is an observable fact, if you believe its the jews.
>it was a complete destruction of what was once a very proud cultureso what i proposed is to jail/send to camps the ones doing this ^
its easier... it could easily be defined by law as treason. would germans today feel the need to pay reparations for jailing traitors? how about giving them a country? sending them to america? none of this would happen, or, not to the extent that it did.
in america and europe nowadays, they got voted for. there aren't enough jews now (certainly not back then) to conclude that it was all jew votes that got them into power... the locals believed in it. and probably so did the jew politicians -not that it matters. thats not subversion, thats public ignorance. if bad people get elected, by the people, given power by the people, im sorry to tell you, its the people's fault.
>You cannot take an ultra unified group, strip some of their power like you said and excpect everything to carry on fine. well, what was done eventually was much harder to execute, during war no less. so yeah, they could jail journalists, academics, politicians, you name it. its less than "everyone" and they are all public figures so are easy to find. its practical and effective.
>War started, if you don't remember. this is a tale of a smart man doing too many mistakes and curbing under pressure... he ate more than he can chew on pretty much every subject.
given the start of this post i can confidently say not only were they wrong morally, they were plain stupid. and its all their fault.