[16 / 2 / ?]
Hello, /bant/. It's nice to be able talk to you all today. Unfortunately, I wish it were under better circumstances. I'm in a very bad predicament and I haven't the slightest idea what to do. If any of you want to help me out, I please ask that you read what I'm about to type. It'll help give some context towards my current situation.
>be me
>12 years old
>7th grade
>Do well in all of my classes to the point the faculty tells my parents to have me take a high school entrance exam.
>passed with flying colors
>started high school the following year, still only 12
>I never thought of myself as better than anyone else. I wasn't even a teenager yet. I was terrified, but everyone told me to go for it so I did.
>Everyone in the school hated me for one reason or another ("You're so short anon, you could fit in my locker!" "Hey anon, if you're so smart, why did you forget to write my essay like I told you too?" stuff like that)
>Was shoved in lockers, beaten, and tossed about like a damn hacky sack
>I had never even talked to anyone at all and hadn't done anything to provoke any of this
>I had no friends, and eventually became nothing more than a hollow shell of a person. I didn't care about the beatings or remarks anymore. I just stared at the ground and smiled.
>Eventually I moved away and went to a new school in a new state.
>Never talked to anyone. I was scared of somehow repeating the events of my freshman year by pissing someone off.
>Nobody ever did anything to me at that school. I was never bullied in any way, but that also meant I never befriended anyone.
>I graduated high school at 16, and started my first semester in the fall of that year.
>Zero social experience since I had never talked to anyone besides my family for 4 years. Could never break the ice.
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>be me
>12 years old
>7th grade
>Do well in all of my classes to the point the faculty tells my parents to have me take a high school entrance exam.
>passed with flying colors
>started high school the following year, still only 12
>I never thought of myself as better than anyone else. I wasn't even a teenager yet. I was terrified, but everyone told me to go for it so I did.
>Everyone in the school hated me for one reason or another ("You're so short anon, you could fit in my locker!" "Hey anon, if you're so smart, why did you forget to write my essay like I told you too?" stuff like that)
>Was shoved in lockers, beaten, and tossed about like a damn hacky sack
>I had never even talked to anyone at all and hadn't done anything to provoke any of this
>I had no friends, and eventually became nothing more than a hollow shell of a person. I didn't care about the beatings or remarks anymore. I just stared at the ground and smiled.
>Eventually I moved away and went to a new school in a new state.
>Never talked to anyone. I was scared of somehow repeating the events of my freshman year by pissing someone off.
>Nobody ever did anything to me at that school. I was never bullied in any way, but that also meant I never befriended anyone.
>I graduated high school at 16, and started my first semester in the fall of that year.
>Zero social experience since I had never talked to anyone besides my family for 4 years. Could never break the ice.
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