Ok, so I snuck into a movie theater and apparently they’re doing some sort of art gallery or whatever. Some of these paintings are worth $3200 (pic related)
>>6467696 And I have a fire extinguisher.
Quoted By:
Destroy everything
timestamp or homosexuality
>>6467699 Well boys, I just invented a new genre of art: fire extinguisher on canvas. What do you think?
>>6467729 I can do a hand gesture
>>6467718 No lol. It’s all “abstract” bull shit
>>6467733 do the white supremacist symbol
>>6467742 Fortunately it all got clouded.
Burn it down. Fuck society
>>6467758 nice feminine hands, my pp hard now
Quoted By:
>>6467763 That’s the opposite of what a fire extinguisher does
>>6467764 Fuck off pooftah.
>>6467776 That would give away my dna. No can do
>>6467781 Break at LEAST one painting
Quoted By:
calling police rn
>>6467788 >/ Don't slash me ever again burger
>>6467786 Ok I’ll rip the most expensive one. I need something sharp.
Quoted By:
>>6467812 Holy hec he's gonna do it, don't get in trouble doc
>>6467802 /
fight me canacuck
>>6467812 It's not a good painting is it, if yes then fuck you. If no, then pardon me and please go right on ahead.
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>>6467696 I hope you get arrested, stop beeing rude to the pictures! Thats not nice!
>>6467830 This is worth 2433 pounds.
>>6467829 >mfw I see an obese burger Anonymous
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>>6467840 lmaoooooo, get out the gasoline if you have to
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>>6467840 It's ugly. Do it
>>6467843 put me in ur ass
Quoted By:
>>6467831 oi where's yor loisense for this apparatus?
>>6467840 Draw a dick with screwdiver holes
Maybe leave a tag like '/bant/', or take requests from users. Again, by poking holes with the screwdriver.
>>6467859 Hold on. Pretty sure I heard noises. I’m leaving for now.
>>6467842 t. average canadian
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>>6467866 Don't back out of this pedo doctor
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>>6467866 Hide in closet with slits on the door so it feels like you're in a scary vidyagame
I think it looks better now
Quoted By:
>>6467883 What were the noises? Are there any security cams?
>>6467883 Also, I’m pretty sure this is loss
>>6467885 >haha you're not white! PD
Quoted By:
>>6467892 No no I just think it’s from outside.
I’m so sorry to end it early, but I must leave. I have to play d&d, so I’ll see you all tomorrow. Goodbye
>>6467892 There are things that cost 4000$, there are security cameras no doubt.
so are you going to ireland again to hide from the cops or what
Quoted By:
>>6467883 PD you glorious motherfucker.
Good fucking job m8. Show those artists. Carve a dick or write fuck my boi pucci on one of them.
SataniaFag !SataniaF9Q
Quoted By:
Based thread Modern art is for faggots
Quoted By:
>>6467907 OP IS GOIN TO JAIL
Dude u are messed up andd unfunny. Ya i get it "modern" art is unfunny lmao h3 made a video making fun of it harhar. Just read some art history it is actually really cool why art is "art".
>>6467883 Wait, this looks coated in dust. How long have those paintings been kept there?
>>6467912 Nah.
I’ll leave you all with one final pic. This is true art.
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>>6467901 I'm glad you accept your mutt ancestry
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>>6467925 Oh no, I hit it with a fire extinguisher.
>>6467923 The idea that modern art is trash isn't a brand new idea mate.
>>6467928 Why is it so damn foggy?
>>6467928 I hope you were wearing your PD mask
>>6467938 I’m not an irl cosplayer fag, ya fag
>>6467944 I hope they kill u with a warning shot to the head
Quoted By:
>>6467949 Says fagmark :^)
This time you have gone too far. I wont dox you, but I will be informing your local police department of your actions and providing links to this threads archive as well as archived threads in which you have posted your face along with identification that I have personally collected. I hope you had fun.
>>6467988 You won't do shit.
Quoted By:
>>6467933 Not my point at all, mate.
>>6468000 It appears that you entered the thread a bit too late, normie
>>6467883 Oh god he actually did it
just why dude
>>6468008 Nah I've been here. I was telling l leaf cuck he wouldn't do shit.
I know you'll do it you crazy bastard.
10/10 vandalism fuck pomo abstract bullshit.
Quoted By:
>>6467988 Reporting him for this is boring. Report him for being a pedophile instead
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>>6467899 More like looks like my shart
>>6468012 There is no reason. I’m just an epic gamer
This time you have gone too far. I wont dox you, but I will be informing your local police department of your actions and providing links to this threads archive as well as archived threads in which you have posted your face along with identification that I have personally collected. I hope you had fun.
Seems like a familiar timeframe compared to futurama.
Quoted By:
>>6468035 This time you have gone too far.
I wont dox you, but I will be informing your local police department of your actions and providing links to this threads archive as well as archived threads in which you have posted your face along with identification that I have personally collected.
I hope you had fun.
Quoted By:
>>6468035 This time you have gone too far.
I wont dox you, but I will be informing your local police department of your actions and providing links to this threads archive as well as archived threads in which you have posted your face along with identification that I have personally collected.
I hope you had fun.
>>6468019 Tell me in person I wouldn't do shit
>protip >you won't PD
>>6468038 Can you explain.
Quoted By:
>>6467923 Le errythin subjectiv
>>6468046 Gladly. Where in Canaduh am I going? I got a weekend to spare.
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>>6467732 Nice penis doctor
Quoted By:
>>6468035 delicious new pasta
>>6468048 An ep where everyone got 100 dollars from the government, in that ep there was a gallery that got rekt to shit with fire. And you have a fire extinguisher....
Looks like you're up to arsson.
>>6468058 If you really want to be bored for a weekend Il tell ya, it's just bantz tho burger bro
>>6468079 I'm not your bro buddy.
>>6468068 Oh yeah where fry drank 100 cups of coffee
Quoted By:
>>6468082 Im not your buttbuddy, bro.
Quoted By:
>>6468086 I think you should come down from that tree, man.
Quoted By:
>>6468157 >Arson laws and penalties vary by jurisdiction. In some states, arson can be either a misdemeanor or a felony, while in others it’s always a felony. Let's pray for felony charge.
>>6468090 >>6468154 I'm not your buddy guy.
>come on leaf you know this bit Anonymous
>>6468157 He underage tho lol
>>6468172 Lel fine, I'm not your guy pal
Quoted By:
>>6468177 77 confirmed, still getting slapped with something. We'll see what if anything.
Art is expensive, op done goofed to the max.
Quoted By:
>>6468186 I'm not your pal fren.
>>6467732 You are a madman. Good job. I suggest getting rid of the fire extinguisher and any other evidence.
Quoted By:
>>6467696 You had an alibi set up and a plan to avoid getting caught I assume? Anonymous
>>6468228 Concpiracy to clean up evidence too! Double duty to the max.
>>6468279 Hey, they cant get me for giving him suggestions can they?
>>6468289 Don't know, therefore not connected to crime.
Quoted By:
>>6467883 lul
fuck everything
>>6468292 Well, I know it aint a crime to say I like what he did. So I say it now.
>>6467696 This was at some liberal arts college right? Cause if it was for a childrens disease charity (like leukimia or cancer) or somthing your a piece of shit.
The adventure continues. With friends.
Quoted By:
>>6468588 Its at a college all right.
>>6468588 >someone got mad and punched the airbag area >possible anger issues >proceed with caution >potential to take inward anger out on others quickly, very possibly Anonymous
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>>6467840 Ok to be honest this one doesnt look too bad. It looks like actual talent went into this one. Or 3.
>>6468587 It's neither, simply an art exhibition.
That doesn't make op any less of a vandal though.
>>6468669 Do you think Danny boy will be upset?
Quoted By:
>>6468588 why are you in a car with nogs
>>6468709 >Danny boy literally who
Quoted By:
>>6468588 Inb4 euros spam 56% memes
Quoted By:
OP= agent of chaos
>>6468709 I imagine he will be very upset, his exhibit was set to open this friday.
>>6468723 The artist of the paintings op destroyed.
Quoted By:
>>6468646 >someone got mad and punched the airbag area Or they slammed into a guardrail on the highway cause they thought "cruise control" meant "autopilot"
National Collation party !!PfcppGG/dig
National Collation party !!PfcppGG/dig ID:Uw6jSXEc Tue 18 Sep 2018 23:25:43 No. 6468761 Report >>6468709 I would just change its name to "Doom" and exibit it as is
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>>6468669 >op chose the actual decent artist's shit to destroy Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>6468709 He likely put dozens of hours of labour and hundreds of dollars of materials into that piece. Just because it isn't a representational image doesn't mean it isn't art, or it isn't worth anything. PD, you're a fucking cunt and I hope you're charged for your cuntery.
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Put me in screencap please
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This is likely gonna make the news. Not every day some autistic d&d player lets go and trashes and art gallery for the fuck of it, without regard to the likely severe consequences that are sure to result.
National Collation party !!PfcppGG/dig
National Collation party !!PfcppGG/dig ID:Uw6jSXEc Tue 18 Sep 2018 23:39:47 No. 6468850 Report Quoted By:
>>6468761 Actually I would name it "extinguished hope"
Because it was hit by a fire extinguisher
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>>6468303 Ok I take it back. This aint as good as I originally thought. This guys work was actually not that bad.
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You're a one of a kind character doc.
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>>6467696 If you want to destroy something just ram a dragon dildo up your ass instead of being an edgy faggot and ruining the work of people who are actually trying to do something with their lives, even if it's shitty art. Hope you get caught and your dad beats the shit out of you like he should've done way earlier, you underage retard
>>6468035 This time you have gone too far.
I wont dox you, but I will be informing your local police department of your actions and providing links to this threads archive as well as archived threads in which you have posted your face along with identification that I have personally collected.
I hope you had fun.
>>6467883 Which state's news should i read tomorrow to read about your stunts? (In case it doesn't make it a mention in national media)
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>>6467896 it sure is just up side down
Quoted By:
>>6467883 real good job there.....
should piss, shit and fap on it to assert dominance tho
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Dude please don't got to jail.
Quoted By:
>>6467883 Ah fuck. I can't believe you've done this.
How long until PD gets arrested?
Quoted By:
>>6468588 >friends with niggers >runs around destroying things >breaks into places >posts all of it online like some vapid hood rat PD man you need to get your shit together.
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>>6469493 Haha look at it go!
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>>6469628 He’s gonna join his nog friends in jail haha
>>6468588 Anonymous
Quoted By:
Would it be possible to cash in on PD arrest?
Wait just a motherfucking second.
Autism post incoming.
With this website.
>http://annarinoart.com/#h-o-m-e I found this.
>https://longpac.org/events/gallery-walk-dan-annarino Which lead me here.
>http://www.greaterlafayettecommerce.com/events/details/this-that-by-dan-annarino-9663 Leading me to find the exact studio that PD had vandalized here.
>Long Center for the Performing Arts 111 North Sixth Street Lafayette, IN 47901 >https://longpac.org/ After looking around on google street view there's only really 2 places to get inside (3 if he was equipped to scale the side of a building) only 1 of which gives any kind of cover unless there's another entrance out back I'm not seeing.
This means PD either went in from the front fucking door or from this little side area in the image.
With this image.
>>6468588 This one.
>>6467928 And this one.
>>6467748 One could make a sizable case against PD for criminal trespass, vandalism, destruction of property and if he stole the fire extinguisher from the stage petty larceny.
I'm working on using street view to figure out what the building in
>>6468588 is to figure out where PD will strike next.
Maybe we can get him on the news :^)
Quoted By:
>>6467696 >Some of these paintings are worth $3200 >worth Anonymous
Quoted By:
all of those paintings are garbage you should've just set the entire building on fire
>>6469773 we've got him now
>>6469773 hoho holy shit this might be the most interesting that has happened on this board in a while
>Civilization VI good taste
Quoted By:
You guys think there will be a reward for his arrest?
>>6469773 no god damn honor on this board
>>6469790 >>6469791 Start scouring on google street view in Lafayette Indiana to identify this green building seen here
>>6468588 we might actually be able to figure out where PD went, who he's going with and if someone has super autism can identify the kind of car they're in since I can't see any markings on what we can see of the dash to know anything for sure.
It's obviously some cheap 90's or 80's 4 door as PD is obviously in the back of the car and those dials look too dated and the seats look too dated to be anything post 2005.
My autism is kicking hard right now.
>>6469804 Act like a nigger get treated like a nigger.
>>6469773 wtf how did you do this?
>>6469773 >Windows Vista >In 2018 Nice
>>6469807 I have no experience in high grade autism professor layton mysteries but I’m wishing everyone the best of luck
>>6469812 based
Don't know why people are always so mean to you
>>6469807 I worked with everyone else on the HWNDU flag capturing, I was going to get some sleep for class tomorrow but this is more important. Give me 10 minutes and I'll have the type of car he's in.
>>6469833 Are you actually going to dox PD?Absolute madlad. Also,celebrating on behalf of the gay posters/wrongfully accused straight guys
What the fuck are you doing we should be happy modern art faggots got their shit ruined
>>6469820 I'm a super internet wizard glow nigger from the time of fucking with the church of Scientology and hacking Sarah Palins email I can do anything.
>>6469821 It's actually windows 7. Fuck vista I wish I could just run XP but nooooooooooooooo no games wanna play nice with it.
>>6469823 If you know anything just share it.
>>6469829 Because I'm a huge cancerous homo faggot that can't type anything of substance even if I had Henry David Thoreau write it for me.
>>6469833 >HWNDU Mein nigger! If you can identify the chain of the building with the green sign that would be much more helpful. The model of car would be nice to alert the bolice to what they've been doing and pickup PD.
He can't keep getting away with this shit.
I don't even care about any drama bullshit it will just be fun to see him on the news and get /bant/ on the news XDXDXD
Quoted By:
>>6469838 He accused me of being gay because I do folkstyle wrestling you know what he deserves it
>>6469840 Just because it’s shit doesn’t give anyone the right to vandalize or destroy it. Acting no better than a monkey at that point, just doing it “for the lulz xd”
Quoted By:
>>6469840 I hate modern art with a passion but if there even a 5$ reward for his arrest i want it
PD's already fucked. 4chan saves all data to cooperate with police when they ask for something. It's US law. All they have to do is report to police he posted it all on 4chan, and police will get it from 4chan. I can garentee 4chan doesn't rewrite over everything with new data as old threads die like they claim to. US law has to be stricter than that.
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>>6467732 probably added a few hundred to its value
Quoted By:
>>6469852 I thought 4chan deletes shit /bant/ doesnt have an archive except 3rd parties
>>6469840 As shitty as post-modern art is,a vandal is a vandal
Also fuck PD in general
P.s. I hope you guys are screencapping
>>6469857 Are u artist singapore or chinopore?
>>6469842 I can say with 95% confidence that it's an early to mid 2000s Pontiac Grand Prix. As for the building, I'm still working on that.
tf2 !n9c1LtS5xY
>>6469840 Because it will be funny to watch him get arrested.
Fuck the legalities of it shit will be fucking hilarious to watch him cry and piss himself when he gets cuffed oh oh oh and the years of shitposting he'll do saying shit like "fuck you Normie you got me arrested! I hate you!" will just be the cream in my coffee senpai.
>>6469859 >Pontiac Grand Prix Good find I'm looking at it now.
I'm trying to darken and clean up the shitty nigger tier image PD posted in the car with PS.
Give it some time and we'll have it.
Quoted By:
>>6469859 I'm looking hard at the building and it seems to me to be a Family Video, those are very popular up here. Searching all Family Videos in Lafayette IL on Google Street View to see if I can make a match.
>>6469858 Neither.
I didn't even know there was an artist Singapore,unless you count my shitty polandball drawings as art
>>6469871 There was one but he was a /pol/larp
>>6469869 What you trying to figure out the destination where he was at with the 2 nigs?
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•New /bant/ movie starring PD and Normie. •The smashing sequel to 'Gayposters: The Rise', and 'Gayposters: The Purge'. •Coming this September to an imageboard near (You) Gayposters: The Payback
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>>6469875 Ah,I mainly browse /lit/ and /hist/ other than /bant/,but I only started active posting recently,been here since day 1 though.
Nice to meet you!
>>6469869 PD is quite clearly antisocial and doesn't give a rats ass
what makes you think he'll care enough to have a tantrum?
SaigonDreamin' !!dVWl1kUU855
SaigonDreamin' !!dVWl1kUU855 ID:j7vuDFyT Wed 19 Sep 2018 03:11:27 No. 6469895 Report Quoted By:
>>6469869 Progress on photo cleanup? I thought it could be a Family Video but it's not the one in Lafayette and the FVs in neighboring cities don't have Google Street views.
Quoted By:
>>6469883 Yes. Because if I can figure that out then I can judge the distance between the 2 points, the time of the posts and the direction he's heading to discern where he was and where he's going.
I've got LPD on the line right now letting them know what's happening.
If I can get a car model then they'd be greatly appreciative.
>http://lafayettepolice.us/438/Online-Crime-Reporting >>6469894 Every antisocial shut in throws a tantrum when they find out they're not all powerful. We're gonna ruin his self delusion of being untouchable because of "muh anonymity online".
He keeps pulling this shit thinking he can get away with it. Destroy a mans material possessions that's one thing. Destroy his perception of his own life and that's a whole other.
>>6469907 Got you fampai. Looks like it is a family something. First letters seem to be senpai in a stylized font.
CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
Can I get a quick rundown, I don't want to have to read all the shit in this thread aye
Quoted By:
>>6469907 How far are the cities? From the art hall?
>>6469936 PD vandalized 4000USD worth of art
>>6469773 Fuck I just spent thirty minutes of my own autism figuring this out on my own you solved it 41 minutes ago.
>>6469942 He could at most only get at least 100miles from the city im assuming less at around 70miles
>>6469907 Anon you glorious bastard you helped me out 10 fold.
PD was in the parking lot of a Lafayette Indiana Family Video on 3105 S 9th St. as there's only 2 family videos in that area 1 of which has a huge pole in the front that you can clearly see in this pic.
Now to do some rough calculations.
The sign even looks the same and the building is green.
PD I hope you're watching this thread. Now I'll just need the cars model.
>>6469936 PD finna boutta get dabbed on by the authorities
C⌬©⍟ℕυͳ !!ejZnhfeYlll
Quoted By:
Crazy shit going on in this thread
Timetravel_1 !dObDY/qelI
Quoted By:
Well, this is interesting. Employing the masses to solve crime. Brilliant.
Hasn’t PD posted his face before on here as well? I vageuly remember one thread with his name where he had himself pictured next to some cows
>>6469969 He looks like zuckerburg
>>6469948 I found it by looking up the number on the truck
CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
Quoted By:
>>6469941 Bit of a shitcunt act, artists only get paid if their shit sells, even then the art dealers take 50% - 60% of what the thing sells for. PD is just fuckin over the little fella this time around
>>6469953 As much as I like PD, I reckon it'd be fuckin great to see someone from /bant/ finally make the news ahahaha
Quoted By:
>>6469972 Red head with a bunch of freckles? I wouldn’t be surprised if he was one of the white bois that hang out with nogs just to get on their good side and seem cool
Digging up past pic to find out where he is from. This one looks like a high school. Could give a very good indication of where he live if we could figure that out
Quoted By:
>>6468588 >with friends >niggers Heaven
>>6469969 Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>6469986 Can u clear up the background?
CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
>>6469990 Was just about to post that exact image with the same fuckin text. Sickcunts think alike I guess aye cobba
Quoted By:
>>6469990 >those cheeks LMAO THIS BURGER HAS DIABEETUS
Quoted By:
>>6469991 If he actually wears that in public I just lost all respect I had for him
>>6469942 >>6469973 Is that the back entrance? Must be where street view won't show us.
>>6469986 That's definitely either a highschool or a college campus based on the suspended style ceiling. They have metal bars and wire holding up the panels.
Got anything else you can dig up?
Quoted By:
CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
PD's face when he drops the soap in prison
Quoted By:
>>6469995 I'm on a phone but I think what we need here is what his shirt says. Could be school team
Timetravel_1 !dObDY/qelI
Quoted By:
This man is an inhuman monster. Knock them dead, /bant/. That's coming from not-Titor
Quoted By:
>>6469990 >>6469991 This is PD? I've seen this all across 4chan and just assumed it was a site-wide meme. Never knew it was actually one of the posters here.
>>6470020 *name.
Sorry am retard
>>6470006 I don't believe it is the back enterence the architecture looks is too different from the street view u gave.
CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
Quoted By:
>>6470023 Tripcode*
close enough ahaha, and cheers cobba
Timetravel_1 !dObDY/qelI
Quoted By:
Honestly, this is impressive. The coordination here along with the absolute seeking of justice. Wonderful.
>>6469773 >>6469791 >civilization vi shit taste
play iv instead
Quoted By:
>>6470031 Best i can do is about 5 years
Location of the construction site episode. Triple XXX Family Restaurant 2 N Salisbury St, West Lafayette, IN 47906 Also Lafayette. He definitely lives near there.
Quoted By:
>>6470046 How u figure dat out
>>6470001 I have your pic too
Lel he works at burger king
Quoted By:
>>6467883 >inb4 it's more expensive now CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
>>6470053 Give us a gander then
Quoted By:
>>6470026 That's exactly what I was thinking. I don't know what this other anon is going off on.
We know where both pics were taken and where he was.
Now the question is where is he going.
LPD sure want to know where he is because he's in some deep shit.
>>6470040 Civ V was better than VI but IV was better than both of them especially after the corporations expansions.
So from what I've discerned PD entered the Long Center for Performing arts at 2:35PM and left at 3:07PM meaning he would've spend 30-32 minutes inside of the building.
At 3:07PM PD makes his last post.
At 4:05PM PD posts his picture with the niggers.
PD could've walked to the Family Video in that time which he probably did.
He later met up with his nigger friends in what we currently assume is a Pontiac Grand Prix but this hasn't been confirmed yet.
Right now we're awaiting an update from PD on to what he is doing and where he is going. Until then we have anons working on discerning where PD lives or the building in the pic of him with the stupid sunglasses on.
As of right now we have enough evidence to report him and it would be wrong for us not to.
>https://www.lafayette.in.gov/MyAccount?dn=lafayettepolice.us&from=url&url=%2fRequestTracker.aspx%3fstrAction%3dLogin%26ysnSave%3d1%26newURL%3d%2fforms.aspx%3ffid%3d84&anchor=&validationMessage= Proceed as guest fill out the form and get it done anons.
This is has been fucking amazing.
Quoted By:
>>6470059 >this is the person curing bant of the gay Yikes, at least get a jaw for God’s sake
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>>6470059 #15
burger king art shreddus
Quoted By:
>>6470059 >results girl kek
>>6470063 maybe one day
u underaged looking cunt
SaigonDreamin' !!dVWl1kUU855
SaigonDreamin' !!dVWl1kUU855 ID:j7vuDFyT Wed 19 Sep 2018 03:53:09 No. 6470087 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>6470059 >>6470061 How many burger kings are there in Lafayette? If he's off work today we could call these BK's, tell them we're with corporate trying to track down an employee and find out his real name.
This reminds me of the britbong that went into an abandoned house of someone who may have commited suicide, and rummaged around it for a /bant/ thread a long time ago. and some anons or something found who the house used to belong to, and contacted the family. Anyone remember what happened to that guy?
>>6467988 fuck off pooftah
>>6470100 David mullery? Lol brit prob jailed
>>6470106 looks like a chameleon
Karma, karma, karma, karma, karma chameleon
You come and go, you come and go
Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dreams
Red, gold, and green, red, gold, and green
CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
Quoted By:
>>6470083 >maybe one day >u underaged looking cunt >underaged looking cunt Alright, thought there could be a small chance ya had a pic of me, but that confirms ya don't. I've aged about as well as a bottle of milk lad, lookin worse and getting lumpier by the day.
>>6470105 Onya, but cunts fucked as it is. Normie has gone full autism mode and is hunting the fella down and reporting him anywhere he can
Quoted By:
>>6470059 How were you able to figure out where he works?
Found out how he got in. He claimed the pipes. Recent I'mage from his earlier theatre visit pic. Older post. Link:
https://archive.nyafuu.org/bant/thread/4342231/#4342437 Anonymous
CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
>>6470125 Do you mean climbed?
CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
Quoted By:
>>6470117 gave me a bit of a giggle, onya cobba
Alright guys I think we've done about all we can do but remember to report this shit as LPD will want to get their hands on him.
If you want something easy to copy paste here it is.
>At 2:35PM a young man known colloquially as Plague Doctor or PD on the image forum 4chan posted this thread detailing with pictures the crime being committed. >>>6468588 At 3:07PM PD would make his last post showing the destruction of the Dan Annarino This and That exhibit at the Long Center for Performing Arts building with a fire extinguisher and a screwdriver.
At 4:05PM PD was shown in a vehicle outside the Family Video at 3105 S 9th St with 2 other gentlemen implying that another crime was going to be committed.
The 3 men were in a 4 door possibly mid to early 2000's Pontiac Grand Prix. One of them is a young white male with blonde hair and the other 2 gentleman appear to be black males one wearing a black Route 66 T-shirt and a black straight brimmed ball cap.
I'm going to keep trying to scour around to find out where PD lives and where he's going to hit next based off of my own edgy notions. Looking at the area around the Family Video it's all bullshit residential so he is either going home or he's gonna hit the elementary school with his buddies.
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>>6470126 tears of sadness because of all the gay unpurged and things unclimbed
or memories of working at fatburger
CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
>>6470132 You really trying to get the fella locked up? sort ya self out. You need a hobby mate
SaigonDreamin' !!dVWl1kUU855
SaigonDreamin' !!dVWl1kUU855 ID:j7vuDFyT Wed 19 Sep 2018 04:06:37 No. 6470144 Report >>6470132 That is not a Grand Prix
>>6470132 Damn it i should have reported him while he was in Ireland
>>6470132 I really don't want PD to go to jail. He is /bant/ core.
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>>6467840 >US flag >Pounds wtf m8
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If you go fugitive and are already going into hiding, remember to only post on the Internet using a VPN.
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>>6470154 *cringe core
>>6470132 Godspeed
>>6470142 Fuck yeah man! It's gonna be funny as hell to watch him squirm and come back just to get pissy with me. I hope he gets raped by some giganigga while in jail so he can come back talking about how I got him blacked.
>you need a hobby Does me being a complete boomer not count? Nigga I've got plenty of hobbies. How often do you get to possibly get your board on the news?
>>6470144 Then what is it shercock holmes?
>>6470153 Yeah you should've. He's been acting like a nigger for long enough.
>>6470154 No he isn't shut up dumbass. This will put us on the map right up there with old /b/. We'll eat our own if they're stupid enough. Which PD is acting like a nigger so he should be treated like one.
SaigonDreamin' !!dVWl1kUU855
SaigonDreamin' !!dVWl1kUU855 ID:j7vuDFyT Wed 19 Sep 2018 04:11:03 No. 6470171 Report >>6470167 gimme a break dude I've been looking for almost an hour >:(
>>6470167 >get your board on the news nigga don't be gay
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>>6470154 I’m still assuming he is underage at this point so I don’t think his punishment will be as severe
>>6470167 Idk i doubt the report would have done much could have calles the hotel he was staying at too
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM ID:Ai63O5vU Wed 19 Sep 2018 04:12:55 No. 6470178 Report You know, I'm generally all for the weaponized autism, but could you retards not get one of the 4 decent posters here arrested?
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>>6470167 Godspeed, you autistic faggot
Mrs Norime
He may not go too jail but he will have too pay for the art and any damages that they think he did. And we know his BK job won't cover it.
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On one hand, it's a sick bloody joke to alert the police on your mate. On the other hand, you're might be getting our lad jaim time. Don't be a daft cunt, faggots.
>>6470167 >comparison to <arbitrary time period> <board> Discarded.
>>6470180 >art Pomo is not art
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM ID:Ai63O5vU Wed 19 Sep 2018 04:15:34 No. 6470188 Report Quoted By:
>>6470100 David Mulleary, I believe the cops were called. Nobody knows if the OP was arrested, fined or not.
If anyone had any doubt that Normie is the worst poster on the board then look no further.
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>>6467883 HOLY SHIT PD
You absolute madman
>>6470178 I don’t care who you are but if you are making it this obvious that you are committing a crime you deserve to get arrested
>>6470171 All we need is that model of car and we can get everything into place. Then they can put out an APB out on the car and PD. Meaning we might see a high speed chase or PD off himself.
>>6470172 >tfw I get to speak at a press conference for turning in PD and not only me but /bant/ make the news >tfw I'll literally use the word "boipucci" on national television >>6470177 What hotel is he staying at?
I mean I could call the police down there and report it that way. They'll at least go to the art gallery to see what happened and check security camera footage.
Hey PD! I know you're lurking around and you will be for a while. Yeah m8 you kinda fucked yourself this time. Since you went after art which is identifiable it was pretty easy to get all this and Indiana? Really nigga? You're running around like you're all hood while you live in literal nowhere. Next time don't post shit like this thinking we don't have autism. We do and most of us are really good at what we do. We're gonna find you and the police are going to find you. Better to just cop to it now and turn yourself in otherwise you'll be charged with more shit.
CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
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>>6470154 Yeah, I hope he just gets a fine or some shit if he gets caught. But pretty stupid on his part to post himself doing this on a mongolian basket weaving forum.
>>6470167 >Fuck yeah man! It's gonna be funny as hell to watch him squirm and come back just to get pissy with me. Not gonna lie that does pretty funny, but still not keen on dogging people in.
>I hope he gets raped by some giganigga while in jail so he can come back talking about how I got him blacked. Stop trying to get the justice system to fulfill your gay fantasies cunt
>How often do you get to possibly get your board on the news? I can see the appeal, just don't wanna give the board too much press or it'll be flooded by waves of newfags
Mrs Norime
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>>6470185 Art or not the one who made it was trying too sale it and when PD fuck it up he more of less just brought it. Like it or not if they fine you they will make his pay for it.
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>>6470167 /bant/ is a nice board.
my+onihs !HappiDayEc
Quoted By:
>>6470167 >>6470192 lole you really are worst namefig
doing the autism multiple-reply shit too
fuck off with your gay ops
>>6470192 For fuck's sake. Get the kid's asshole stretched all you like, he deserves it. But just stop posting you sound ridiculous
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>>6470192 That was a different thread he made ago months back. Also since he lives in US there would be alot of legal shit that would have to be done to get him arrested while being in ireland
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM ID:Ai63O5vU Wed 19 Sep 2018 04:19:34 No. 6470211 Report >>6470192 >>6470191 That's a fair enough reasoning, go ahead Ashleyfag. I disagree but alright. Normie, on the other hand, is obviously doing this to be "like old /b/" and get the board attention (which totally wouldn't fuck this shithole up worse than the refugee crisis did). Stop being such an attention whore.
CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
>>6470211 >Normie, on the other hand, is obviously doing this to be "like old /b/" and get the board attention (which totally wouldn't fuck this shithole up worse than the refugee crisis did). Stop being such an attention whore. this
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>>6470209 but dude he's le epic internet detective man like the old /b/tards xD
>mfw you retards are actually defending PD Holy shit i dont like normie either, but you spergs shouldnt be taking the side of a fucking crimimal
>>6470211 >>6470213 Play stupid games win stupid prizes. But otherwise yes he’s definitely on one of his egotistical phases again
my+onihs !HappiDayEc
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>>6470209 no, /bant/ is 24/7 juggalo troll ops now, sorry.
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Alright I'm off to make the phone call. 7658071200 For anyone who wants the non-emergency number. Hope they don't mind I'm on the other side of the country.
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>>6470189 wow, already fled to Norgay, PD? XDDDDD
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>>6470235 smart ashley phoneposter
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM ID:Ai63O5vU Wed 19 Sep 2018 04:27:07 No. 6470243 Report >>6470235 I didnt say PD was right, committing a crime on 4chan of all places isn't a good idea.
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>>6470231 Morality is a spook
snitches are bitches but i kinda liked the art so i don't know what to feel
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Good work Normie :3
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I for one, am on Team Normie. Fuck PD. 4K shekels in damage to some guy just trying to sell some art. Yeah, fuck PD.
>>6470231 I believe PD deserves retribution for his vandalism, but this is not the way to go about it.
National Collation party !!PfcppGG/dig
National Collation party !!PfcppGG/dig ID:Uw6jSXEc Wed 19 Sep 2018 04:30:30 No. 6470254 Report >>6470178 You're a fucking retard. He's a underage larper attention whore holding onto his last scraps of relevancy given to him by pandering to bunch of losers who can't share a board with homosexuals. How long are you going to keep complaining about the same bullshit. You're a bunch of glorified metafags who are too dumb to realize that you've long overstayed your welcome and too immature to let go of the past. Go fuck off with your retarded clique.
>>6470243 I was more referring to the Argentinian but yes I totally agree that doing shit like this on 4chan is just asking for trouble at that point
Pd posted this. Possible relative? Reverse I'mage search returned nothing. Google search returns a redheaded triathlete. Pehaps the picture is from PDs school and Logan wealing attended
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>>6470231 you sound like a right shitcunt
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>>6470255 By the way notice how this thread suddenly got flooded with name/tripfriends? Really makes one think
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>>6470258 erase the whole thing
Anonymous ⋕⋕ V.I.P
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>>6467883 Holy fuck you're literally a nigger
I hope you get fined
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM ID:Ai63O5vU Wed 19 Sep 2018 04:31:48 No. 6470267 Report Quoted By:
Civil War LARPing incoming
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>>6470252 Then what do you beleave is the best way too hang it. All you doimg it telling people what There doing wrong.
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>>6470231 this isn't how you use the quote function, you homosexual
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>>6470255 He wasn't trying to hide anything im suprize noone reported him sooner
>>6470245 You shouldn't protect your friends just because you like them. You should protect your friends because they do the right thing. If they do the wrong thing, they should no longer be your friend.
It's sickening seeing the majority of people have paper-thin morals, that go away as soon as they'd rather protect friends than do the right thing.
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM ID:Ai63O5vU Wed 19 Sep 2018 04:34:14 No. 6470280 Report Quoted By:
CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
Fuck now I feel bad for asking him to break that shit. Rip PD may you forever keep the gay away
>>6470283 Based stirner poster
>>6470277 >It's sickening seeing the majority of people have paper-thin morals where do you people even come from
>/bant/ unironically defending an acne-ridden underage faggot who hangs out with coons for destroying property
>>6470254 (You)
Also stop making fun of me on bant wiki tis’ quite rude ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
>>6470293 >Rip PD may you forever keep the gay away He's going to need to where he's going.
>>6470306 Eh, he's a pretty decent poster.
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM ID:Ai63O5vU Wed 19 Sep 2018 04:38:42 No. 6470320 Report >>6470298 Reddit
>>6470310 Based Tyrone the Tittyfucker.
National Collation party !!PfcppGG/dig
National Collation party !!PfcppGG/dig ID:Uw6jSXEc Wed 19 Sep 2018 04:39:41 No. 6470324 Report >>6470309 >Also stop making fun of me on bant wiki tis’ quite rude Ok I'll stop
SaigonDreamin' !!dVWl1kUU855
SaigonDreamin' !!dVWl1kUU855 ID:j7vuDFyT Wed 19 Sep 2018 04:40:30 No. 6470328 Report Quoted By:
>>6470313 Not really, he just LARPs his character and not much else
>>6470324 Thank you fren ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
Mrs Norime
He makeing the call right now... thought you would like too know.
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>>6470325 pd break shit, but in real life
gay normie coordinate epic irc ops to get pd outta the picture for namefag supremacy
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uh oh spaghettios
CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
>>6470344 is it being vocarooood?
CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
>>6470344 >>6470359 Yeah least record it
>>6470320 >morals are reddit et tu, Duke?
National Collation party !!PfcppGG/dig
National Collation party !!PfcppGG/dig ID:Uw6jSXEc Wed 19 Sep 2018 04:44:00 No. 6470370 Report Quoted By:
>>6470339 You asked nicely so I'd like to reward that and it's pretty easy to not do so no problem
Mrs Norime
>>6470355 He roll a dice too see if he would call or not and the dice want him too call.
>>6470363 He want too see if he can fine a way too record it not sure if it can of not.
>>6470320 The only morally ambiguous things Duke Nukem canonicly likes to do is taking "supplements" and possiblly fucking young girls
have you played a Duke Nukem game before?
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM ID:Ai63O5vU Wed 19 Sep 2018 04:46:13 No. 6470383 Report Quoted By:
>>6470364 I have morals, I'm just not much of a snitch, personally.
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>>6470374 the call that saved art
Just got off the phone with the Lafayette police department and they're probably going to send and officer over to get into the building. They also thanked me for this and asked for the thread for evidence. Hi LPD! They now know everything we know. If everything goes right PD will be picked up within the next week. The lady was super nice too and thanked me a lot for reporting a crime from across the country. Oh yeah they've also taken PD's handle as they had me spell it out. Watch the news in Indiana anons and keep me posted.
CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
>>6470378 if he has a mic he could put the phone on speaker mode and put it near a mic, the just record with vocaroo
SaigonDreamin' !!dVWl1kUU855
SaigonDreamin' !!dVWl1kUU855 ID:j7vuDFyT Wed 19 Sep 2018 04:48:06 No. 6470394 Report Quoted By:
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>>6470381 Eh, fair point. I should remove my name since i'm not actually posting as Duke.
Screenshot so you know I'm not jerking you guys around.
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>>6470389 absolutely basted
>>6470256 Nope, but from looking at his Facebook he did attend Purdue University in Lafayette IN. PD possibly attends as well.
Mrs Norime
>>6470391 No, he don't have one and most a it would wake up a few people that live with us so. He went outside too make the call. He said he look for a app of something that well let him.
>>6470402 All ready told them you was makeing the phone call.
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>>6470277 he isn't my friend
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>>6470410 Tf i thought he was an underagefag
>>6470389 >this thread will be gone in 5 hours this new season looks great
CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
>>6470389 I feel conflicted
>>6470413 Fair enough
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Hi CNN! Say something nice about my square waifu.
>>6470389 I'd call this a WIN if you get /bant/ permanently down this way.
CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
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>>6470415 Put me in the screencap too cunt
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>>6470435 only good outcome
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>>6470435 pilled and rededbas
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something something screencap something something CNN is gay
If this make the news, /bant/ is going to get an increase in newfags, hold me /bant/
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Incude me please. News I crave attention.
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM ID:Ai63O5vU Wed 19 Sep 2018 04:54:59 No. 6470456 Report Well lads, the board somehow managed to go even further down hill today. Press F to pay respects to PD.
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>>6470435 >/bant/ permanently down this way >for a panting getting rekt Anonymous
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>>6470456 I’m indifferent to all of this so take an FS
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>>6470448 there's one way to prevent that
No offence Normie but why the FUCK would you do this. Any semblance of board solidarity is GONE, not to mention what might happen to the board after this
>>6470448 It better not
>>6470465 local news will do a short story about it then it will be never talked about again
>>6470410 You have his Facebook? Does it have his real name? Because then I can call them back and they'll pick him up tonight.
>>6470426 Archives anon.
>>6470430 Don't be. Criminal degenerates deserve no mercy.
So.... they called me back to ask how I knew. Went exactly like this.
>so....how did you know it was at the long center? *obviously confused* >uhh well we call it weaponized autism but I found the artist googled it and found the exhibits >if you look in the thread I gave you you can see we put a lot of work into this >"I can see that I'm going through the thread now" >mfw bolice is here now HI LPD! Thanks for coming in to confirm our work! Criminals like this need to be caught.
Screenshot for solidarity. PD is fucked.
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>>6470466 Can't wait to get a few Indiana newfags
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>>6470467 No I have the Facebook of the man from the pic of posted. No relation unfortunately.
>>6470467 I dont know if the PD(Police Department heh) will be familiar enough to find the archive for this thread though
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>>6470467 >criminal degenerates What do you consider a criminal?
>>6470472 They're here right now anon.
>>6470467 >>6470474 Hey, LPD. Look a bit further into the archives and you'll find a polish terrorist who posted here.
hey pd what do you think of my brother?
>>6470477 If we could get them to post that they're launching an investigation that would be the cherry on top.
>mfw today I'm the good guy Anonymous
Quoted By:
Gooood mooooorning Indiana
SaigonDreamin' !!dVWl1kUU855
SaigonDreamin' !!dVWl1kUU855 ID:j7vuDFyT Wed 19 Sep 2018 05:02:44 No. 6470487 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Welcome to /bant/ - International/Random /bant/ is a board for the discussion of any topic, a place where you can relax and have fun with people from all over the world. No porn dump threads - Please use the appropriate adult boards for porn threads.
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>>6470480 Why dose it matter he won't be look at any male ass in jail he be biteing the pillow
>>6470465 This board was already going down the shitter as is
>>6470477 The polish guy who was obsessed with hesbollah? They're only considered a terrorist group because the (((US))) and Israel hate Iran.
CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
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>>6470465 Fuck this board fuck your solidarity fuck your notions of what this board is supposed to be.
Criminals face punishment no matter the individual cost.
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>>6470495 Was he even muslim? All he talked about was killing Israelis and saving Lebanon. I can't recall him talking about being a shia.
>>6470483 >mfw today I'm the good guy Are you sure? I just see the same sleazy faggot as always
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And so endsanother chapter of /bant/
i just ate an entire box of milk duds ama
>>6470514 I don't think that's how GOMAD works anon.
>>6470514 did they taste good
CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
>>6470467 >Don't be. Criminal degenerates deserve no mercy. Yeah, I just feel like maybe you're doing this just as an ego boost. But I agree he shouldn't have committed a crime and posted himself doing it online, that was pretty stupid on his part
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Doea cancerboy's ego always inflate to the size of a zepplin?
>>6470507 Yup. You would defend criminal behavior if you knew you could stop it? LPD has his face, truck and evidence of the crime. To not report this would be a crime.
>>6470520 Not an ego boost at all. In fact many people may view me more negatively after this. I did this because it was the right thing to do. No matter how shitty the art there's no excuse for destroying it let alone breaking into a building. The only reason I haven't reported him before is I couldn't find him. Now we have him.
Dumb shit is getting what he deserves.
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM
Duke Fucking Nukem !M7duKeNuKM ID:Ai63O5vU Wed 19 Sep 2018 05:12:03 No. 6470534 Report Quoted By:
>>6470491 Now it's just about unsalvagable thanks tk this insufferable
Quoted By:
>>6470515 Im getting results
>>6470517 they were ok at first, all the duds melted together and became a big caramel log. my jaw now hurts and i have a bit of a headache
The sheer amount of moralfags in this thread is something to behold.
>>6470531 You wouldn't happen to be Americanon would you?
CockEyes !sOOFxXpl6Q
>>6470531 >Not an ego boost at all. In fact many people may view me more negatively after this. You don't need to be liked to grow your ego, can do it through feeling powerful, etc.
>did this because it was the right thing to do. No matter how shitty the art there's no excuse for destroying it let alone breaking into a building. I agree. Only reason I figured you could be doing this as an ego boost is due to you shitting on about your "power" over the board and shit in the past, that and the fact you made posts about you calling the cops, etc, could have just done that without letting the entire board know.
Anyway, I'll take your word for it that you're just doing it because it's the right thing to do. Least we might get some interesting news articles or something out of this
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>>6470313 >just because he's a decent poster What kind of weakwilled fag are you that you can't even tell people off just because you like them
>>6470539 I’m not trying to be a moralfag but PD was retarded for doing something like this and posting it online. Normie can do whatever he wants with that info but at the end of the day this all could have been prevented if PD actually took half a second to realize “oh, what I may be doing could be tracked very easily in the matter an hour!” Honestly good riddance, hangs out with hoodrats anyway
>>6468588 Anonymous
>>6470531 Slow down buddy, or your dick is going to start chafing soon. No matter what you try to present this as, this isn't a righteous quest for justice. It's just you trying to ruin the life of some dumb kid who were rude to you online once. I'm not defending what PD did, but acting all high and mighty for ratting someone out just proves that you're trash.
>>6470595 I already said that PD was retarded for doing this, I'm Duke without my name. I still think Normie is being a complete and utter faggot right now.
>>6470602 Can't agree more, leaf.
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>>6470602 lole he admits it himself what are you trying to prove
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>>6470608 Oh yeah of course he is, always starts acting like that once he gets an upper hand
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now this is good shit
>>6470552 Nope I'm just Normie. My old handle is so old nobody will recognize it. Sorry to disappoint.
>>6470559 I could see why you would think that but no there was no ulterior motive other than seeing PD punished for his crimes. Maybe get a thank you from the artist for turning him in and maybe a pat on the back from the LPD but nothing sinister. I let the board know so there would be no doubt who did this. I couldn't have pulled this off without the help of a few other anons though.
Think what you will of me but I believe in the law. The art may be shit and even I think it's shit but I thought PD had just gone into some abandoned theater to wreck some art thats been sitting there for eternity. Once I found out it was an actual display there was no doubt I had to do this. That's uncalled for and it's gonna show him not to be retarded posting his crimes online to jerk off a bunch of edgy teens.
>>6470602 >some dumb kid who were rude to you online once Actually me and PD had reconciled recently. I'm a sanctioned gay but that has nothing to do with this. It could've been anyone. It just happened to be PD. You wanna post up some crimes you've committed so I can go for the double play? I'd be more than happy to oblige.
I'm sorry you have a negative view of me thinking I do everything to be malicious because I'm the worst poster on the board and now the spooky internet boogeyman who keeps you from being criminal but I did the right thing and PD will be punished for what he did.
SaigonDreamin' !!dVWl1kUU855
SaigonDreamin' !!dVWl1kUU855 ID:j7vuDFyT Wed 19 Sep 2018 05:39:30 No. 6470652 Report SaigonDreamin' !!dVWl1kUU855
SaigonDreamin' !!dVWl1kUU855 ID:j7vuDFyT Wed 19 Sep 2018 05:42:56 No. 6470666 Report Quoted By:
>>6470652 Last name def looks like wealbig though
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>>6470652 You don’t need to start getting into his family and personal life. This is enough as it is
>>6470638 You'd do yourself a massive service if you stopped circlejerking your supposed oldfag status so hard. It becomes less believable by the minute my lad. Just some friendly advice. It's pretty obvious you only got the "b-b-but it's the right thing to do" shit in afterwards.
>>6470671 Thanks for the advice I'll take it to heart.
Nonetheless we're gonna have a fun time with this. Anons are already sperging out over it. Gonna be a fun night.
C⌬©⍟ℕυͳ !!ejZnhfeYlll
Quoted By:
Dang 438 replies
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>>6470467 So you are a literal faggot, ugly as a fucking sin and a fucking bootlicker. And you are asking yourself why are you having cancer? God is against you since day 1 and you will pay soon.
>>6470703 Tbh you're pretty autistic but its funny to watch people sperg out.
Have you seen the death threats made against you?Lole.
>>6467696 Holy fuck you are going to jail kek
>>6470715 Of course I have. I'm all over this board.
I actually just got a call again from LPD not from dispatch but from an officer.
>Hey is this anon? >yes >this is officer [redacted] with the Lafayette Police Department >how are you doing today? >Pretty good >First I'd like to thank you for calling this is as we did find damaged property >Oh >Now dispatch sent me a picture of the man in a red shirt how did you get a hold of this picture? >Oh me and few other anons scoured through our forums archives to dig it up >how sure are you that's him? >Pretty sure considering he posted it with his handle >Can you give me your address? >Nah m8 I'm in Nevada and want to stay anonymous >okay >Could you give my number to the artist too to contact me to say thank you? >Sure we'll forward it to him if we make an arrest LPD has PD's face, his truck, evidence of the crime and has now found the damaged property.
Fuck me man this has been a glorious night.
I might legitimately get a call from some artist I've never heard of to thank me for making this call.
Someone should contact the artist and send him the photos that PB took along with photos of his face and various porn images.
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>>6470795 Artist will have my number forwarded to him from the LPD. I made that request very clear. If anything comes about from it I'll let you guys know.
>>6470776 >I did this because it was the right thing to do. >Could you give my number to the artist too to contact me to say thank you? >contact me to say thank you oh lole
>>6470837 Better than asking for a reward like some anons.
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>>6470841 >Not an ego boost at all. >>Could you give my number to the artist too to contact me to say thank you? lole
for fucksake if /bant/ gets on the news we're going to get a massive influx of retarded normalfags we're in for a cancerous next few months
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>>6470864 I’m hoping they only mention it as 4chan. Whoever comes here willingly anyway is fucked from the start
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>>6470864 >we're in for a cancerous next few months So pretty much business as usual? I agree tho getting the board name in anywhere is fucking retarded. If Norman was as oldfag as he's acting to be he'd at least fucking respect rule 1 & 2
Quoted By:
>These ugly paintings >at these prices There's gotta be at least a 50/50 chance PD destroyed someone's money laundering works.
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>>6467883 Put me in the screencap bois
posting in this thread so i can be on the news. someone be my girlfriend
>>6470980 Are you from Texas?
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>>6470841 >he does it for free Anonymous
Quoted By:
now THIS is funny but normie is still a gayposting ,narcassistic, le too 2 deep 4 u faggot that needs to fuck off
>>6471006 God damn.
I will never find the Texas apu poster who wanted a gfd gf again.
Quoted By:
>>6471030 sorry, didnt mean to get your hopes up
Quoted By:
These tryhard moralfags is why 4chan never gets any interesting posts and is just a nonstop torrent of reddit humor with anime a lame frogfeel avatar anymore.
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R.I.P. /bant/ You used to be good. Goodbye /bant/, hello /int/. No porn ads and no edges.
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/bant/ needs to die anyway. I'm glad we're going out this way. Fuck PD
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I wake up and see this lole
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FUcjiunbg ebin thread Hope PD will make it out scot free outta this shit desu
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Just woke up and to find this absolutely ebin outcome. BASED Normie. I hope that attention whoring faggot gets what he deserves
>>6467883 I would call it "the downfall of PD"
Well done, captain Bravo, you've went too fucking far with this one. Jesus Christ, PD why.
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>>6471693 The porn ads did it.
>being so autistic you take the time to dox a great person and reporting them to the police >mfw the police will never find him
>>6471735 >great person I think you may have missed the part where he intentionally destroyed other people's work just for the sake of being edgy
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>>6471880 Looks like he may have found where his mum keeps his autism meds.