>>6469877>sign up for a JOB with campus's bio dept, said there where connections for lab work off campus if I brought my resume>get put in internship program>no one else signed up for lab/intern program, closed a week ago>semester has already started, preparing for 1st exam in a week>not in my major for any internship, also past setup date for changingsomehow they got dean approval to make a class, change my major in the final year, sign permits for new class schedule split between three professors that didn't plan for another course to grade me, and make(copy/paste) a whole new syllabus for hw all within a weekend.
I had to drop a course (without full refund) and pay the school for a internship that I dont get paid for, get less hours and still have to pay lab fee, have to split my time between 3 professors and some random internship supervisor, do more homework, work extra hours as makeup from starting late, free fridays now are filled with work hours, have to drive 20 miles out to separate campus for work, and had change my fucking major to a new program that doesn't even have a course available until next summer, all for the privilege of 23 more hours a week being in a classroom cleaning test tubes.