[35 / 4 / ?]
First off, this is not a troll post. This is a legitimate concern for everyone who drives,and even those who do not.
Now, these facts SHOULD already be clearly established in the mind of the consumer, but they, for some reason, are not. I lead my argument with point 1:
As shown by https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/di_diesels.shtml , diesel engines are more fuel efficient and burn cleaner than gasoline engines. Especially with a turbo, and no diesel exhaust fluid additions, which restrict mpg, which brings me to point 2.
Now, these facts SHOULD already be clearly established in the mind of the consumer, but they, for some reason, are not. I lead my argument with point 1:
As shown by https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/di_diesels.shtml , diesel engines are more fuel efficient and burn cleaner than gasoline engines. Especially with a turbo, and no diesel exhaust fluid additions, which restrict mpg, which brings me to point 2.