[41 / 14 / ?]
>society is a joke
>that'll never change because it's too easy for people to be selfish
>it's impossible to become rich without taking advantage of others (usually the poor)
>if you don't, others will do that to you to get themselves richer
>you can't be a good person because people will take advantage of you
>you can't be a bad person because you'll go to prison
>or you'll at least be ostracised by people, or maybe even both
>everyone's more focused on attaining money, rather than attaining the things that they would want to buy with that money
>nobody can see that money is just a means of making people do work and feel like they're getting some for it
>even the governments themselves are caught up in this
>but, it's still not money that makes the world go around
>it's the work that people do for money that makes the world go around
>money acts as a leveled playing-field for people to exchange goods and services
>this creates a view that you shouldn't do something unless you're being paid for it
>everyone wants an immediate pay-off for their work. They want it to be direct and instant
>they can't just, for example, go help their neighbour change their car's flat-tyre so they aren't late to work, and help them for free
>if more people were willing to do more work for free, more work would be getting done in society
>more work being done means that public facilities and commercial workplaces could run more efficiently
>this would mean that businesses could justify selling their goods and services for cheaper, and attract more customers at the same time
>the businesses that refused to lower their prices would be forced to, in order to compete with the ones that did
>gradually, it would all level out, but there would be a net decrease in the cost of goods and services
>eventually, everything, or at least most things, would become cheaper
>then everyone would win
But that'll never happen, because people are too impatient to not want an instant reward for their work.
>that'll never change because it's too easy for people to be selfish
>it's impossible to become rich without taking advantage of others (usually the poor)
>if you don't, others will do that to you to get themselves richer
>you can't be a good person because people will take advantage of you
>you can't be a bad person because you'll go to prison
>or you'll at least be ostracised by people, or maybe even both
>everyone's more focused on attaining money, rather than attaining the things that they would want to buy with that money
>nobody can see that money is just a means of making people do work and feel like they're getting some for it
>even the governments themselves are caught up in this
>but, it's still not money that makes the world go around
>it's the work that people do for money that makes the world go around
>money acts as a leveled playing-field for people to exchange goods and services
>this creates a view that you shouldn't do something unless you're being paid for it
>everyone wants an immediate pay-off for their work. They want it to be direct and instant
>they can't just, for example, go help their neighbour change their car's flat-tyre so they aren't late to work, and help them for free
>if more people were willing to do more work for free, more work would be getting done in society
>more work being done means that public facilities and commercial workplaces could run more efficiently
>this would mean that businesses could justify selling their goods and services for cheaper, and attract more customers at the same time
>the businesses that refused to lower their prices would be forced to, in order to compete with the ones that did
>gradually, it would all level out, but there would be a net decrease in the cost of goods and services
>eventually, everything, or at least most things, would become cheaper
>then everyone would win
But that'll never happen, because people are too impatient to not want an instant reward for their work.