>be /pol/nigger
>perpetually sweaty self-proclaimed MGTOW (actually receive 0 attention from females anyway, seeing as I don't go outside)
>post le epic NPC meme
>it gets moved to /bant/
>autistic rage fuels my body
>quickly look through my 1.74GB folder of wojack reskins
>throw together a shitty image
>vomit it on /bant/
>hah, that'll show them
>can't fill the emptiness in my heart
>desperately make more wojack reskins to distract myself from the pain
>nothing works
>fall deeper into depression
>blame everyone but myself and the alt-right
>feminists make women ignore my existence completely
>chad steals all the women that would go for me
>normies perpetuate my shit memes and make me feel bad for liking them
>stacies exist
>colored people being noisy in my neighborhood and making me yearn for a social life I've given up on actually fostering
>gays have their own parade and have much more fun without me
>fap my greasy 4 incher to trap porn
>a few dribbles of watery, infertile "cum" leave my pathetic cock after 30 seconds
>post something about jews on /pol/
>open up mspaint to make another wojack reskin