[6 / 1 / ?]
bant is fucking splatoon dire dire docks out of bing bang wahoo nintendo watch your mum get fucked in the ass nintendo labo cardboard i sure love for a dark handsome tall stranger to use me as a dunny bank just shitting down my fucking face i shit and fuck piss my baby jeans i cum on my apron and suck out the zinc from it a bunch of baby retarded shit haha comes great with dipping sauce formed from your dads curdled cum you sick fucks awwwwright thats how its done you stupid loser do the voices in your head ever go loser loser game over man game over no more lives no more marioe bing bang wahoo 100 coin nigger one ups its over you fucked up you stupid fuck up loser i hate you how can someone fail life this hard and then you go someone please help me and then you go over to play minecraft at your only friend kevins friend who is only your friend because he mugs you for your lunch money youre playing minecraft and then you find hidden treasure kevin starts screaming kevins slammer mum comes into the room and beats kevin up in the corner while you are watching and then she sits on you and breaks every bone in your body and your legs are broken in 15 different spots so you try claw your way out the house but she full nelsons your ass and then you eat big man baby jeans