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Girlfriend fucked a nigger before meeting me

ID:GJnI8KhS No.6508270 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Would you dump a white girl if you learned her sexual history included fucking a nigger?

I recently found out the girl I've been seeing for a month had unprotected sex with a black man four times approximately a month before she met me.

She was really broken up revealing this to me yesterday, in tandem with her STD results (she was clean). What she was broken up about, though, was him revealing after she started seeing me that he was a player who got around, thus putting me at more risk than she thought when we first had sex.

She swears he said all the right things to get her in bed off she rebounded from a 7-year ex. She swears over their 4-week period his personality changed dramatically to his true colors with him revealing he didn't want a real relationship, then trying to text her after she got with me, then spite-texting her the revelation that he wasn't a one-woman man.

She's really broken up about the fact that she almost gave me an STD, which she never truly elaborated on until after she got the test result yesterday.

I'm upset about the risk she put me at, too, but more upset about the fact that she fucked a nigger. It has made her significantly less attractive to me. I can't see the things I used to love like her slender stomach or shapely tits anymore without thinking about the fact that a nigger defiled those. I don't even want to think about fucking her or kissing her knowing that an animal's dick has been there.

And no, it's not about size - I'm really well-endowed (almost 9 inches) and she even joked when I surprisingly confirmed the guy was black that I was bigger and can say I'm bigger than a black dick. But again, whether the nigger was 1-inch or 10-inches makes no difference to me.

She's scared to lose me - she likes me a lot. She even wound up telling me she loved me yesterday (same day all this went down). What should I do? Callously dump her?