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Anon loves khazars

ID:jDi/jbHC No.6519105 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me 1.5 years ago
>7.5/10 kissless virgin
>get invited to friends graduation party
>go with close friend who also got invited
>we arrive and realize it's more of a high school party vs an actual graduation party
>we end up hovering around the whole time
>we're blending in well when suddenly one of the cool kids call me out
>"you never go to parties, bet you can't hang"
>he proceeds to challenge me to a drinking game
>mfw I win thanks to my Slavic alcoholic roots
>now relaxed as I beat the cool kid and cause of all the alcohol in my system
>suddenly 4 Stacy's show up
>I have a huge crush on one of them a 9/10 with HUGE khazars
>since I'm relaxed I go up to them to make small talk
>realized they're all blasted and stoned
>my crush clearly isn't interested but one of the Stacy's is
>never thought much of her but she's a ginger 8.5/10 qt3.14
>we start talking
>eventually she's baby feeding me jello shots
>suddenly she pulls me really close
>she's brushing her crotch on mine
>my dick is diamond
>She whispers into my ear "I think you're really cute anon"
>as my peripheral vision notices those huge khazars I whisper back "I think femanon has huge tits"
>mfw I processed what I just said
>mfw ginger qt3.14 leaves along with my chance at losing my virginity
>mfw the friend I came with tells me he got a blowjob
>go home that night and masterbate to those HUGE khazars/ ginger qt