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Ben Shapiro Story

ID:Jf1bZqyq No.6524219 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>just finished mowing my lawn
>neighbor pulls into his driveway when I notice a sticker on his bumper
>it's a Bernie sticker
>I ask him what it's about while warning him
>"hey you're a nice guy, I wanna warn you about the Shapman, are you actually socialist?"
>"Anon I've heard the stories, Shapiro isn't going to come here and reck me"
>"Also I'm not a socialist, I'm a communist but Bernie has the best chance of becoming POTUS one day so I'll settle"
>the sky shifts colors to red, white, along with blue
>all I could muster to my neighbor was "your fate has been sealed"
>I see Shapiro flying down in the form of a bald eagle screeching our national anthem
>my neighbor is frozen in place like a deer in headlights
>Big Ben lands and the ground shakes violently while instantly vaporizing me and my neighbors clothing
>my dick is diamonds at this point
>finally back in his human form he unviels his magnum schlong and locks eyes with my neighbor
>he proceeds to anally rape him while screaming statistics about why communism will never work
>my neighbor is starting to screech like and eagle while mutating into one
>once Shapman finishes he puts a leash around my former neighbor now bald eagle
>Shapman locks his gaze on me and give face pic related
>"say it anon"
>without the slightest hesitation I scream "ANOTHER LIBTARD REKT SIR" while saluting him
>He says "AND?!"
>again without hesitation I scream "I RATHER BE DEAD THAN RED SIR"
>he nods his head and flys off on top of my former neighbor
>I wipe my tears of joy