My apologies, was busy.
>>6525821When have I lied about my residency in any country? People know me as a proxyfag because that's what I am. I hope you're genuinely not pretending to be retarded so I can criticize you more
None of my arguments are predicated on an assumed country of origin.
Also, I looked up what you claim as a concept and fucking nothing showed up. Would you mind giving me something that isn't pulled out of your enlarged asshole?
>>6525814State your position clearly or risk being made fun of
You saying that homosexuality being defined as a fetish rather than an identity as many others claim it is opposes any degree of rationality you put off. I needn't go into the intracicies of decadence, or why taking haughtily to the claim that is simply a fetish is flawed, and I will merely say that you've given me more reason to call you mentally ill.
A lot of the rest of your post is rambling non arguments
>>6525843>are kids with Down syndrome an errorYes.
Aktion T4 was justified in every right
>how much effort is put in making straight people gays?It's an obvious agenda. In every major university, media outlet, modern film, there's ample evidence of leftist indoctrination which encourages the following in their path to self-immolation.
>also sourcesAt the end of the thread, please stop being retarded
>>6525900You're relying heavily on generalization and strawmanning the opponents arguments, so I will simply neglect to address the trite you've presented to me.
>>6526181>my god I'm bored I'm glad you are because so am I, however a lot of what you say is quite false and quite simplistic in nature
It's like watching a middle schooler write an essay, but drag it out because he has a forced number of words he needs to meet.
>its something geneticFollow reason and re-read the essay, or continue making a fool of yourself
>im all for bashing gays Yet you defend them.
Come on man, stop being silly