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How the fuck do you overcome crippling depression from being redpilled?

No.6531894 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Left and Right paradigm is wrong, yet everybody buys into it
Media is just a tool for control of the masses yet everybody believes it
Money is just a way to get power from modern plutocracy and an excellent way to enslave the masses through material means that degenerated into state of being that is purely animalistic and consumerist, yet everybody is indoctrinated in it
Any knowledge that comes from different place than the one the system itself desires to push into or the status quo one is prohibited through means of """culture""" and """ethics""" of modern man
Nearly every normie and NPC has such a low level of intellectual capability that they can say one sentence one and contradict themselves in the next sentence and yet see no problems with it, because educational system is a fucking joke ( "indoctrinatial" system as a term would be more true and correct )
The only salvation at overturning this shift into shit in the "extreme" right is completely thwarted by feds, child diddlers, sexual revolutionaries of the "traditional" kind, and overall not trustworthy people who are in it for themselves and their own material goals instead of the ideology and collective ends
By these facts alone you:
-cannot have any friends whatsoever
-are completely seperated from the world whether you like it or not
-are likely not to get a job if you ever be public about what you believe in
-will be in constant stress from having to "hold it within yourself"
-will have an outlook that is either defeatist, pesimistic or ( on the other side of the spectrum ) you'll go full on underground terrorism sort of shit ( which isn't something anybody today would do )
-list could go on but I already know this is too long and most people won't get to this point

How did you overcome your depression anon?
Are there any tips you would give to the like minded souls who are lost just as I am right now?