[5 / 2 / ?]
>be me
>be at lake getting drunk as usual
>qt/3.14 starts flirting with me
>flirting intensifies as night goes on
>make out on a dock
>I get a hickey
>ffw to next day
>plan a movie date
>go to movie
>make out again
>start seeing her every other day
>ffw her birthday
>she wants to spend it with me
>take her out to dinner
>comes back to apartment
>watch movie
>go to bedroom and do hand stuff
>happens a few more times
>ffw end of summer
>need to talk because we go to different unis
>emotions on high
>she cries because she's nervous about uni and not being able to see me.
>console her
>move into college next day
>ffw a few weeks
>she drunk calls me and tells me about how much she misses me
>say I miss her too
>plan to see her next two weekends
>ffw to first weekend
>at lake again
>hope to makeout drunk
>she barely talks to me
>doesn't talk to me for a few days
>cancels plans
What did i do wrong anons?
pic related
>be at lake getting drunk as usual
>qt/3.14 starts flirting with me
>flirting intensifies as night goes on
>make out on a dock
>I get a hickey
>ffw to next day
>plan a movie date
>go to movie
>make out again
>start seeing her every other day
>ffw her birthday
>she wants to spend it with me
>take her out to dinner
>comes back to apartment
>watch movie
>go to bedroom and do hand stuff
>happens a few more times
>ffw end of summer
>need to talk because we go to different unis
>emotions on high
>she cries because she's nervous about uni and not being able to see me.
>console her
>move into college next day
>ffw a few weeks
>she drunk calls me and tells me about how much she misses me
>say I miss her too
>plan to see her next two weekends
>ffw to first weekend
>at lake again
>hope to makeout drunk
>she barely talks to me
>doesn't talk to me for a few days
>cancels plans
What did i do wrong anons?
pic related