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When do you give up?

ID:xAq64G0s No.6555021 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have a YouTube channel, I've had it for 6 years and I upload at the very least once a month.

I make videos when I'm bored and tp be quite honest its pretty fun. Like a child with crayons and paper, drawing doodles and showing them to everyone being really proud of themselves.

This isn't a plug but I've been thinking maybe at this point I should just pack it in.

Over 6 years I've accumulated 155 subs and 23,000 views. The most Ive ever got was 6000.

I'm not looking to get rich but to have a small audience or meet other video makers to make videos with would be great.

At the same time,

Im 23 now, I should be actually doing something with my life instead of making superniche web videos.

I dont know, just venting desu.

I'd considered it an achievement if at least one snippet of a video becomes a meme for a week, probably then I could finish this.

YouTubes fucked anyway, creator academy just tells you how to be a better corporate plug for any shitty product.

Well this a rant, its either gets pruned or torn apart in the comments but idc.

I've said my piece.