[10 / 8 / ?]

Hey there /bant/oids
This thread is dedicated to recreating Shirasaka Manx's flag script threads but in a more traditional way.
You may use this thread however you please while i go to sleep and the next day, i will be creating stats on the amount of posters that posted in this thread and from what country each came from.
I know this may sounds boring but hey, free topicless thread!
Knock yourself out with it!
This thread is dedicated to recreating Shirasaka Manx's flag script threads but in a more traditional way.
You may use this thread however you please while i go to sleep and the next day, i will be creating stats on the amount of posters that posted in this thread and from what country each came from.
I know this may sounds boring but hey, free topicless thread!
Knock yourself out with it!