>>6563783You know what else is "illogical and different" and we use it more than twelve times a day? Language. Why don't we just speak one universal language?
Speaking of language, let's speak of one language: ENGLISH. Why is the spelling so unlike the pronunciation? Wai don't wi meik it mor funetik so that it wil bi iziur tu lurn?!
Or number systems. A base-twelve number system would be FAR more logical than a base-ten number system.
Wait! Why don't we switch to a more compact script than the Latin script, because the Latin script takes up too much space.
HOLD ON... why don't we use Kelvin instead of fahrenheit OR celcius? It doesn't make sense to have NEGATIVE temperatures
I could go on and on and on with countless examples. It is ILLOGICAL to try and make everything 100% LOGICAL.