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ID:2xtcUvVw No.6568439 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So /bant/
>Be me
>Have been in band since elementary school, but took up tuba about a year ago from the time of this story
>Have to go on a trip to a concert festival about three hours from said school
>Band can't afford touring buses so we have to take school buses
>I'm 6'4"
>Uncomfortable as fuck, have to spread eagle to fit my legs in the designated seatrows
>Do not like school buses because they are a prison on wheels and have had multiple experiences with needing to use the bathroom asap on them
>Use restroom before I get on but didn't think about the cup of coffee I drank in the morning
>Get on bus
>Doors close
>Have to piss
1 hour in
>Cold sweats, shifting uncomfortably
2 hours in
3 hours in
>Trying my hardest to sleep or distract myself in any fucking way possible
3 and a half hours in
>Bus gets to destination
>There is not a single fucking toilet anywhere
>Walk for 20 minutes to campus center
>Literally run into building looking for bathroom
>See one
>Barge in
>Open stall
>Frantically working down zipper
>Dicks now out
>I piss like a firehose
>Having anxiety the entire time im at festival
>Start having regular anxiety attacks after multiple incidents like this
>Easily upset by small things
>Cannot handle even the slightest stress
>Cry because some minichad insults my girlfriend
Should I kill myself? I'm basically a faggot now instead of a man. I tried my best, /bant/, I really did. But everyone thinks I'm weak because I am.