Mods are cancer. The thing with this doomer meme is that as one starts to get really seriously red pilled shit starts to look bleaker and bleaker. And, from there, in come shills pushing the black pill.. "all is lost there is no hope". Even if shit was absolutely horror movie tier bleak all hope is never lost dont fall for that shit. If you have been getting red pilled you should have started to piece together how memetics actually works. If you haven't try to think of it as an alternate explanation of psychology, a reversion back to the track of Jungian thought coupled with a "metaphysical aspect" which, there is more to it but, if you can think of that metaphysical aspect as a sort of explanation for something that very much seems to be real but our language fails us in describing.
The reason I am talking about this is, the black pill, being nihilistic and abandoning a hope of a hope, works against us. There exists a phenomenon in which we tend to attract the reality which we believe we deserve. So, do not give up, do not give in, no capitulation no surrender. If you feel like there is no hope because shit looks bad or because you've been getting fucked over in life.. Stop thinking of yourself as a victim, think of yourself as a warrior who took a grievous blow and needs to shake it the fuck off and get the fuck back up.
Meme greatness. Meme Victory and nothing less. Have a good one, anons.