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ID:iNsaosW+ No.6620223 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me, around a month ago
>desktop computer shuts down suddenly
>talk with guy who helped me build the computer, concludes it must be the old graphics card
>order 280+ euro graphics card, also needs new PSU and monitor
>lags like shit
>bring it to the dude
>have to wait around a week, meanwhile cellphone's SD card goes to shit as well
>he puts on windows media feature pack and updated drivers
>i test ARMA 3 for like 30 secs, see no lag, conclude it must be fixed
>spoilers: it's not
>return home after 1h long drive, test it again
>massive lag spikes
>we can't find the problem, return the card to amazon and order a new one
>tested it today, same exact problem
>meanwhile, my headphones have stopped working and the phone has incredible difficulty charging

I think i've run out of tears to cry, /bant/. It's been a month and a half without a computer and a barely functioning cellphone.