Saint and Mary worship are callbacks from old Babylon. Take your Ishtar and pagan rites and go. You are little more than a heathen and how dare you attempt to trick more into following these lies.
The Catholic Church is the reason Christianity has such a poor name among those we should be helping.
The Catholic Church extorted money out of fearful family members of the recently deceiced by selling “get out of hell free” cards.
The Catholic Church is a predator. It currently hides the names of pedophilic priests and bishops in order to continue its schemes.
The Catholic Church is The Whore of Babylon and follows in its practices.
The Pope does the bidding of the spirit of Antichrist by calling all world religions to unite under the same banner. He lies and says Jesus was a failure and a sinner and was not the Son of God nor the true savior. He is an evil man who is trying to lead people astray and you do no good to follow him.
Stop worshipping saints, they are placeholders for pagan gods.
Repent and turn back to the Lord, your idolatry and falsehoods only lead to the path to Hell.