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ID:cPBv1j+W No.6629953 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be average /bant/ user
>pretending to be asleep so mummy thinks im dying from not taking my insulin injections, so i sneak on /bant/ like an epic memer
>mummy comes into room
>"wake up honey! mummy has your tendies ready for breakfast!" eyes still closed, say nothing
>"come on namefag!" (yes i have a name because that's epic r/banters do that epic style) "namefag, mummy wont buy you an anime body pillow this weekend if you dont get up"
>i burst out of bed with the force of 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 btards
>land on mummy
>mummy goes quiet
>mummy is probably napping
>eat tendies
>go on mummy's laptop
>mummy has googled what's wrong with my child on google chrome
>nothing is wrong with me, mummy is just silly
>watch 5 hours of anime
>hold up
>forgot to take insulin injection
>my body seizes up as diabeetus begins taking over my body
>i quickly open a new tab on google chrome
>type 4-c-h-a-n-.-o-r-g-/-b-a-n-t
>i mustered the rest of my potato chip energy to make a shitty thread to talk to other animefag neets all the while using anime images
>communicate with other neets as if i have severe cognitive abilities and autism
>oh wait i do
>use my last living moments on /bant/ to talk about how great the board is (totally is!!!111 epic r/banters ftw!!!!!11111!!!!11!)
>as i die my finger hits the mouse and the thread is posted
>worth it
hey epic r/banters! if you engoyed thes ep1c gr33nt3xt then share it on discord liek and epic r/banter!!!!11 also dont forget to shaer this to 9gag and reddit ep1c r/bantersss!!!1 anime rools!!!!1