>you will never be in a close-quarters firefight with a badly-trained female machine gunner, watching her desperate expression as she struggles to keep the heavy gun level with her slender feminine arms, brass casings occasionally glancing off of her and singing her, on the verge of tears as she realizes what a mistake it was to be a soldier, and how hopelessly outclassed she is by you, now that you have her cut off from the rest of her squad, you quick-reload your AK as she is fumbling with a new belt you put two bullets into her thick tender thigh, causing her to drop with a yelp, as you approach her ready to finish her off you shoot several more times, disabling her machine gun, and shooting a gaping hole in her hand as she reaches for her sidearm, then watching as she writhes helplessly in pain, sobbing as she realizes she is about to die, the fear pounding in her chest and ears and completely drowning out all sense of reason, she becomes hysterical from the pain and terror, and you realize that shooting her now would be too easy, so you watch her for a few moments, shooting her other hand when she tries to reach for her gun, then putting a few more rounds into her calves as "punishment," and looking at her face covered in tears, her round blue eyes shining, begging you for mercy, but instead you raise your AK and put a single bullet through her chest, watching her twitch as it shreds her spine and paralyzes her, looking into her still-living eyes as her lungs stop and she is unable to move or breathe or even scream, only to die, utterly at your mercy, as you stare deep into her eyes