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ID:FPtLfmbb No.6659437 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>goes to the mall
>sees a bunch of babies running around
>feels mad.jpg
>the radio is playing some basic bitch pop music about love and fucking asses
>looks at humans
>sees them as nothing but a bunch of npc buying boring and mundane clothes and watching boring and mundane movies
>goes to public
>looking for books
>they're also boring and mundane except for some good ones and some good mangakas
>sees a lesbian dyke reading some progressive crap
>decides to look for some good vidya
>sees a new Spider man game for the ps4
>buys it
>decide to eat somewhere
>goes to an Italian restaurant
>sees a couple of turkish tourists
>decides to observe they're habitat
>some fat Turkish boy looked at me weirdly
>some fat Turkish boy tells his mommy that a filthy Armenian is looking at us
>Runs away from the turks
>his father shows up
>he tells me that his son has Tourette syndrome and he tells me he has no problem with Armenians
>wew lad.jpg
>after finishing eating decides to go to the movies and see venom

Now tell me your experiences in the mall you have visited