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Spooky stories thread

ID:zrj4s1LX No.6671982 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I don't believe in the supernatural, but hey

>be me
>11 at the time
>at the end of primary school we used to celebrate by going on this adventure holiday to White Hall
>you'd do rock-climbing, scrambling, pot-holing etc.
>White Hall is a fucking old creepy as fuck mansion that has been re-purposed for this use (pic-related)
>the group of 40 or so kids separated into 4 dorms, 2 dorms for girls, 2 dorms for guys
>come back from abseiling one day
>go to the communal kitchen to get a snack
>this fucking downie kid is sat there licking a porno mag (this is back in 2006)
>me and two kids I was with just back away
>anyway jump to the night'
>separating 11 year olds into dorms led to the inevitable tribal warfare
>started a pillow fight that ended in tears, the teachers then "grounded us" for the rest of the night
>under the cover of night we started playing knock-a-door-run
>obviously epic 11 year old bants ensues
>me and friend go on scouting mission to other dorm
>hide around the corner
>hear knocking on their door before we even get there
>"go away, we're done, we're going to sleep"
>wtf, someone must have gone at the same time
>hear teachers sounding like they are about to come and give us a bollocking, head back to our door
>get back to the dorm "yo wtf, you blew our cover"
>realise everyone is there
