>>6673011When it comes to the afterlife I've never been particularly religious nor atheistic. I think that the soul must be real, in a sense of being some kind of energy. The human body doesn't just start off with one, the early stages of a fetus are essentially a clump of tissue and sinew. Eventually it is given a charge, without electrical charges running through the body allowing muscles to expand and contract the human would just be a large lifeless mass of biological matter. Similar to how a computer can have all of its parts assembled but without a power supply it's nothing but a useless hunk of metal and wiring. So on a certain level I believe that living beings have a soul, but as to what happens to that soul after we die I have no idea. I like to believe our consciousness would remain somehow, but I know someone who was dead after a heart attack for a short period and they told me there was nothing. It's definitely my deepest fear.