Quoted By:
In the beginnying God cweated the heaven and the eawth.
And the eawth was without fowm, and void; and dawknyess was upon
the face of the deep. And the Spiwit of God muvd upon the face of
the watews.
¶ And God said, Wet thewe be wight: and thewe was wight.
And God saw the wight, that it was good: and God divided the wight
fwom the dawknyess.
And God cawwed the wight Day, and the dawknyess he cawwed Nyight.
And the evenying and the mownying wewe the fiwst day.
¶ And God said, Wet thewe be a fiwmament in the midst of the
watews, and wet it divide the watews fwom the watews.
And God made the fiwmament, and divided the watews which wewe
undew the fiwmament fwom the watews which wewe abuv the
fiwmament: and it was so.
And God cawwed the fiwmament Heaven. And the evenying and the
mownying wewe the second day.
¶ And God said, Wet the watews undew the heaven be gathewed
togethew unto onye pwace, and wet the dwy wand appeaw: and it was so.
And God cawwed the dwy wand Eawth; and the gathewing togethew of
the watews cawwed he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
And God said, Wet the eawth bwing fowth gwass, the hewb yiewding
seed, and the fwuit twee yiewding fwuit aftew his kind, whose seed is in
itsewf, upon the eawth: and it was so.
And the eawth bwought fowth gwass, and hewb yiewding seed aftew his
kind, and the twee yiewding fwuit, whose seed was in itsewf, aftew his
kind: and God saw that it was good.