>>6686177I have no idea where the piss ninja meme came from but it really did not help the show's image one bit.
I like the characters especially Momo, Fuu and Mei so far and the others seem promising as well. Hanzo is a little bland so far but she was a good foil to Momo and I hope a dark backstory is coming.
And so far it managed to keep me hooked - the introductory episode used its plot devices like the policewoman and ninja frog well and the second one showed us how difficult the training is while balancing it with humor to not ruin the light-hearted atmosphere. And of course there's the mistery of the traitor that was well paced so far and has me guessing.
Momo's evolution from a nobody with confidence issues and a special ability to someone that has a secret life was done quickly but I think they managed to show every step on that way really well.
tl dr - I suck cocks and really like this anime