[40 / 27 / ?]
Okay, so I tried to put up with the gay shit on this board. I gently reminded you guys when you made multiple threads for the explicit purpose of being gay to stop it, and for the most part, you listened. But you've taken it too far. For several days now the first page features multiple threads that serve no purpose beyond just being fucking gay. Fuck off.
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/ ID:lOFGOfZV Sun 21 Oct 2018 10:14:52 No. 6722330 Report Quoted By:
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/ ID:lOFGOfZV Sun 21 Oct 2018 10:16:58 No. 6722346 Report Fagapore
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So I come to /bant/ and try not to be gay. But this is literally first thread and next one is about a bottle of cum. /bant/ what are you doing with me? I don't want other people to think I have no personality other than being a faggot(even though I really don't have one). Can you please stop being gay for a day or at least concentrate gayposting in one thread?
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/ ID:lOFGOfZV Sun 21 Oct 2018 10:18:47 No. 6722360 Report Fagapore
>>6722360 you ever turn on the gas to dab on the false pretence of the Jewish state of Israel
please indicate that you're quoting and attribute the quote to me
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/ ID:lOFGOfZV Sun 21 Oct 2018 10:22:25 No. 6722376 Report >>6722368 yo mossad you changed id
>>6722373 That wasn't copy pasta? Aw
>>6722376 Did I now
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/ ID:lOFGOfZV Sun 21 Oct 2018 10:24:56 No. 6722388 Report Fagapore
>>6722388 Post the chewing gum version s m h
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/ ID:lOFGOfZV Sun 21 Oct 2018 10:26:44 No. 6722396 Report >>6722393 fucking mossad i want to change ip as well
>>6722368 please stop stealing these copyrighted karens or i will be forced to take legal action
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/ ID:lOFGOfZV Sun 21 Oct 2018 10:27:42 No. 6722401 Report >>6722397 what will you do blow him?
>>6722396 I just switch between data, wifi and computer lole
>>6722397 I told you that I save all your posts
>>6722401 By Allah, that is the most homosexual thing that ever disgraced my ears
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/ ID:lOFGOfZV Sun 21 Oct 2018 10:30:11 No. 6722408 Report Fagapore
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/ ID:lOFGOfZV Sun 21 Oct 2018 10:33:37 No. 6722418 Report >>6722416 okay this is epic
>>6722401 i will do whatever it takes to reclaim my collection of rare karens
>>6722402 there is a fine of £350 / illegally saved karen
i would advise against stealing any more of them
>>6722424 I declare myself bankrupt, so you can't fine me
>>6722418 post il duce
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/ ID:lOFGOfZV Sun 21 Oct 2018 10:37:44 No. 6722437 Report >>6722424 WE WILL TAKE YOUR KAREN WITH OUP POWER
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/ ID:lOFGOfZV Sun 21 Oct 2018 10:38:07 No. 6722439 Report Fagapore
>>6722439 be American
take a wet duce
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/ ID:lOFGOfZV Sun 21 Oct 2018 10:39:43 No. 6722452 Report Quoted By:
>>6722436 there are other ways to get them back
>>6722437 >power Normie
>>6722320 Welcome to second stage. DABDA is a bitch. Mourn nao.
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/
honest abe The fresh prince of /bant/ ID:lOFGOfZV Sun 21 Oct 2018 10:42:07 No. 6722461 Report Quoted By:
>>6722454 I will use all of my power to take that karen
>>6722320 So based oh my god holy shit. based THIS POST IS BASED AND REDPILLED PEOPLE
>>6722511 So when are you going to get to acceptance so I can obliterate your boi pucci with my double digit rod of wonder?
>>6722511 No thank YOU for making such a based and redpilled post. Holy shit based
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Homosexuals shall be thrown into the lake of fire for their disgusting act, may they come to repentance
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>>6722516 >>>>>>>>> >>6722518 Thank you fellow PC.I'm trolling the LIBTARDS so hard right now with this epic post.Pic related fedora tipper
>>6722416 I have done an Austrian>Roman>HRE wc twice
Really fun campaign
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>>6722540 >Not Prussia Dissapointed
>>6722320 I agree, the rampant faggotry is actually ruining this board.
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>>6722545 based and redpilled