>>6744453Hard to decipher but I think you got what I mean.
>>6744454>Aug. 2002Dude, please. You think I'm gonna read shit written 16 years ago?
Also, what I'm basically saying is, that you can live your gay thing. No one cares today, and no one in the public will call you out for it, because being gay IS NOT VISIBLE! It's completely private. No one needs to talk about it. It should be discussed in school once or twice but because it isn't normal (Yes, it isn't normal, but it's not something to be ashamed about either!) it shouldn't be more discussed than heterosexuality.
Homosexuals are a minority and that's neither something good nor something bad. You don't need to push it nor do you need to stop it.
I am Bi myself and if I want to suck dick I do it. I do it privately. Not my mother will know about it, not my friends, not my coworkers, NO ONE except the one I suck off.
The same thing is when I fuck a woman.
If I get a boyfriend ever, I will tell it my mother, but I will tell it to her the same way I would when I would get a girlfriend. I won't act like it's something extremely special. My mother will be surprised, and will either accept it or dis abandon me. Either way she can't do shit about it.