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ID:fUdFIh6n No.6766390 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I had never heard of 4goyim before today but after following a tweet about the antisemitic shooting in Pittsburgh it lead me to this shithole. I must say that I'm extremely appalled at the hateful bullshit against God's chosen ones of this website.

As a SUPERIOR JEWISH BVLL I cannot believe that such a hate filled, detestable shithole is allowed in this day and age. Although, after seeing the goyims antisemitism and violent racist content, it's no surprise that you inspired the lunatic goy that murdered innocent Shlomos in their synagogue of satan worshiping Baal.

To the owner or administrator of this despicable website, you are on notice asshole. The good ((overlords)) of this country will know of this place and its role in these murders. You had better do something about the racism and antisemitism on display here or I guarantee that legal action will be taken against you and you will be shut down.