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ID:rwApEEKg No.6771395 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
atheum of /bant/

as i'm feeling sad and my life is miserable
i go to 4chan and click my favorite board
its full of autism, frog posters and of course shitpost
and i don't feel so sad and i join with everyone

/bant/,/bant/ you are the best board
/bant/,/bant/ i only visit /bant/
so post frogs and get kot id and post waifus
and lets shot post everyone because its our tradition

when i'm not in /bant/ depression is bullying me
im not able to fight it because it grows only stronger
and then i run for cover thought a dark tunel and i see myself in the golden fields of /bant/

/bant/,/bant/ you are the best board
/bant/ /bant/ i only visit bant
as i see my friends we fight each other
moot bless the /bant/