>>6778574that's like seventeen dollarydoos but i'll fucking take it becasue i'm some sort of sick cunt as they say in this here country i make sure i can understand all of the mexicans inside the particualrl and but in the end i will probably die from gunitis which is a severe porlbeeme in the mexican lands of death because nobody bothers to take the moff of them like true men like how ahrd is it it to jus tbreak into the houses of several armed men and just take their guns when you yourseklf does not have a gun like seriously dude come on i bet your grandmother coukd do it
in which case it would be a hard yes and a hard no because both simultaneously means that one half of me ends up rotting in some panama person's backyard and the other half rotting in an actual grave made by actual english (probably soon to be mandarin) speaking people
however not even spain's worth looking up to nowadays except for the bullfighting, lots of that nowadays