>>680838Left woman is eating a hard shelled taco. Anyone who devours one of them is actually the anti-christ in disguise and thus would destroy humanity if left alive. We thank you for killing hard shelled taco eater.
Middle is holding the taco straight up. Is she retarded? I don't know, but I pity her. She is in a lot of danger if she cannot properly hold her taco. The food may fall on the floor. I would be concerned about that. At least she isn't the anti-christ.
But I must concur that right is fuckable due to the fact that she has proven her ability to eat a taco properly and is a non-conformist due to her choice in plate being a lot less awkwardly shaped than the others. She has gotten away from the anti-christ as much as possible, showing her purity, while wearing red in face of the color of white pride and blacked coming from her heathen step-sisters. She is in this picture simply to say "I eat tacos, fuck you." This type of rogue bravery would get her leg blown off in the field, but would get my nuts blown when they got in her pussy. Her knowledge of the taco is subliminal to her knowledge of her own pussy, which means she would be an expert in bed. Even if she didn't want it, those strings and long hair could be useful in making her a captive, while the others could easily escape like the vile temptresses they are.
All true men would chose right as she is the Taco Master and thus queen of poontang. She is the easiest to rape, the easiest to have pride and not want to be raped, and the only one with red fingernails that means they would easily blend in with blood if she was required to dig into a dead body to look for a key to escape an abandoned taco shack. Her hoodie would hide her shame of me, her face is good at hiding her depression, and her shortness means that tall people will easily miss her. You are a retard if you don't chose right to fuck. God, now I want to fuck right so bad.