[14 / 4 / ?]
>Be me
>19 y/o polandfag
>Religious, conservative country, the only people wearing costumes are little kids
>Have a fever because it's it's already fucking freezing here
>This halloween, friends come over dressed in fucking KKK robes and makeshift SS uniforms(we made an agreement before, we like to stir up drama)
>No costume because I was sure i wouldn't be able to go out because of fever
>Say 'fuck it' when i saw the badass costumes
>Chad friend pulls out two 0.7's of vodka
>Don't mind if i do
>Walking through the city completely shitfaced, singing ,shouting, classic drunken shit
>Getting a lot of attention, some people laugh at our costumes but we also get a lot of 'death stares' We almost got into a fight with some 'dresiarze' (polish hooligans)
>Walk past our old primary school
>Chad friend suggests we should break in, just for laughs 'we've got masks and all'
>Speak for yourself fag
>Don't want to look like a pussy and agree
>Put on hood and pull up scarf. Good enough i guess
>We jimmy the window open with a piece of pipe
>Scrawny friend comes in and opens the door from inside out
>We take a moment to let the nostalgia take over, we relive our childhood memories in peace
>Yeah, right. We're stumbling around screaming at the top of our lungs, pissing all over the walls and drawing dicks on the whiteboards
>Be me
>19 y/o polandfag
>Religious, conservative country, the only people wearing costumes are little kids
>Have a fever because it's it's already fucking freezing here
>This halloween, friends come over dressed in fucking KKK robes and makeshift SS uniforms(we made an agreement before, we like to stir up drama)
>No costume because I was sure i wouldn't be able to go out because of fever
>Say 'fuck it' when i saw the badass costumes
>Chad friend pulls out two 0.7's of vodka
>Don't mind if i do
>Walking through the city completely shitfaced, singing ,shouting, classic drunken shit
>Getting a lot of attention, some people laugh at our costumes but we also get a lot of 'death stares' We almost got into a fight with some 'dresiarze' (polish hooligans)
>Walk past our old primary school
>Chad friend suggests we should break in, just for laughs 'we've got masks and all'
>Speak for yourself fag
>Don't want to look like a pussy and agree
>Put on hood and pull up scarf. Good enough i guess
>We jimmy the window open with a piece of pipe
>Scrawny friend comes in and opens the door from inside out
>We take a moment to let the nostalgia take over, we relive our childhood memories in peace
>Yeah, right. We're stumbling around screaming at the top of our lungs, pissing all over the walls and drawing dicks on the whiteboards