if you ask me, the only thing seperating men from animals are three things. Mercy, Honor and Intelligence. Now there are stories where dogs refuse to eat the corpse of their master, but overwhelmingly most animals dont have intelligent thoughts like humans. Honestly speaking, the morality we have hinders us more than helps because if we didnt feel bad about stealing everyone would do it constantly.There are animals that have been here hundreds of thousands or more than humans and yet they have not developed morality or abstract langauge or cities like humans. Also they dont seem to have a code of morality. Animals are not really good or evil generally, they seem concerned with mere survival. Why is this? Could there be a divine creator? Out of the thousands of species, why did humans evovle with intelligence. the closest things are dolphins and primates using their crude tools but they've been doing this for years. Objectively when you think about it normally Humans should be the worst species on Earth. We're weaker than monkeys even, slower than everything pretty much, dont have carapace, dont have fur, dont have fangs or claws. And yet we dominate the planet with intelligence. Why have no other species evolved with this?