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No.6856 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So how do I make my livin'? Let's find out!

>[ambient music starts playing]

I dump cum in a legal autist to live off her child support benefits.

>[drums pounding, "Heil Odin, Heil Odin..."]

Yeah, I'm pretty much an immigrant criminal living off government welfare. I have youtube vlog where I talk about how much I hate society and western civilization. But you see, it actually makes sense because I owe nothing to this system. The man is keeping us pagans down. Btw, my French whore has so many children that I don't have to pay taxes anymore!

>["Heil Odin, Heil Odin"]

What else. Apparently there are still unironical 'metalheads' in 2017, and these idiots waste money to buy shitty records I've made before serving my time in prison. And I also milk DnD cattle with my tabletop RPG where you can LARPagan just like I do IRL.

>["Heil Odin, Heil Odin"]

Sharia will Europe, #Macron2017