[159 / 26 / ?]
Previous threads:
The official Quantum Politics thread. Ver. 0.3
The official Quantum Politics thread. Ver. 0.2
Have you ever thought that what you are thinking about is actually having a profound impact on this world and changing and altering the course of history? Do you feel that your mind power contributed to the election of Trump? Do you ever wonder what meme magic and Kek’s power is all about?
Quantum politics and a world turned upside down
“A lot of things in our lives have quantum behaviour. We are living through a dynamic process of change,” he says. “I think we have to look at our world in a completely different way.”
Firedocs Remote Viewing - Archived - TOC and Links
Before you post in this thread, please read the manuals and educate yourself on the subject.
In this thread we discuss about remote viewing and how to use this skill to target and influence reality. If you have previous experience with remote viewing, share you experience with us.
Thread Bonus: digits will determine who or what should be our next target.
This is an information dump thread. I don't expect many replies. But we are archiving information. Feel free to post anything that you have that you think is relevant to the OP subject.
This thread was posted for educational purposes.
The official Quantum Politics thread. Ver. 0.3
The official Quantum Politics thread. Ver. 0.2
Have you ever thought that what you are thinking about is actually having a profound impact on this world and changing and altering the course of history? Do you feel that your mind power contributed to the election of Trump? Do you ever wonder what meme magic and Kek’s power is all about?
Quantum politics and a world turned upside down
“A lot of things in our lives have quantum behaviour. We are living through a dynamic process of change,” he says. “I think we have to look at our world in a completely different way.”
Firedocs Remote Viewing - Archived - TOC and Links
Before you post in this thread, please read the manuals and educate yourself on the subject.
In this thread we discuss about remote viewing and how to use this skill to target and influence reality. If you have previous experience with remote viewing, share you experience with us.
Thread Bonus: digits will determine who or what should be our next target.
This is an information dump thread. I don't expect many replies. But we are archiving information. Feel free to post anything that you have that you think is relevant to the OP subject.
This thread was posted for educational purposes.