>Be me in a small web development studio
>CEO hires his step-sister to be the new project manager
>She literally knows nothing about web development or much about technology for that matter
>I have to answer directly to her
>Get stupid ass emails all day like "umm why is my iPhone not sending an email to this person?"
>"Hey can we change this website and change the color on the top of the site? I think it'd look prettier" (Yes, she would constantly ask me to change clients' websites without them ever asking for any changes)
>The CEO started requiring me to put every website password into Salesforces so she could access websites
>The only benefit of this is I got a lot more hours because she was constantly logging into people's WordPress accounts and fucking sites up
>Any time I brought up how incompetent she is and how she shouldn't be the project manager, I was called a sexist and told I just didn't like taking orders from a woman
>She one day pulls a Hillary Clinton and somehow deletes 8 gigabytes of a clients email
>Somehow this is my fault
>She then one day somehow deletes an entire database and the backup (even the fucking hosting company has no clue what she did)
>Start looking into her
>She's a late 20s Canadian girl (nice body) with a rich dad and she worked as a system administrator at her father's company prior to this
>Find out she's making twice what I am and getting a lot more hours
I'm so fucking glad I've left web development, at least working in a studio. I went on to a couple other actual studios in the city and my God, the virtue signalling and diversity pandering isn't a meme. It's 100% real. At one job, they hired this scruffy looking (((girl))) with a defined beard, hairy legs who walked around in a strapless dress. We were all told that if we didn't address the new hiree as a her, we'd be subject to termination.
I drank heavily to get through most days. Never again. I'll stick to freelancing.