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Fuck, third time I've spoken on banter about it tonight but here goes, I
have Acute Polymorphic Psychotic Disorder without Schizophrenic Symptoms. I couldn't tell you the exact difference between APPD and Schizophrenia other than that APPD is a slightly better diagnosis, although a different doctor could very well see it as Schiz and people with APPD sometimes end up getting a new diagnosis of schizophrenia if things get worse.
I live a good life, I make money, I don't have any raging addictions other than nicotine, I sleep relatively normally (I take mirtazapine for this), I have friends and have had girlfriends and multiple casual sex encounters. I'm also not a violent person and have never threatened someone while having an episode
When medicated I suffer audio hallucinations of the not-so-paranoid type, slightly manic episodes (triggered by drugs and alcohol only however) and the occasional visuals (although these tend to limit themselves to undulating walls, moving floors etc). I sometimes become perplexed by things in a way that I can't really articulate, I guess you could imagine that someone was speaking to you and then they switched to a different language but are looking at you like you should understand, something like that feeling but often with things as boring as a door handle. The polymorphic aspect basically just means that it can change on a penny and doesn't persist for longer than 1 month at a time, although I tend to sense it is coming when medicated
When I'm not medicated for longer than a week and have an episode, fuck everything you know, I'm spacewalking baby, in another dimension, get caught in thought loops, fall down holes that don't exist, start searching for items I have never owned or sometimes that I could never even fit in my house, think I have jobs that don't even exist, think people are following me, strip, go for night walks, get hospitalised.
Loads of other things have happened, but I guess that is a summary of my disorder