>>691064Mang, if it was material possessions I was depressed about I would have gotten a job years ago. Terrible Troll.
1/10 because you made me reply.
Money is easy to make, a sense of fulfillment that comes from earning money is what's missing in my life
>>691080>silk shirts>hot sports car>vintage vinyls>summer home on the Med... like literally eyeline to the beach>your choice of champagne>get to fly in business class AWAY FROM THE BABIESBut as great as all that shit is, you can get habituated to it anyway. And if the job you do is in anyway boring or even worse morally debilitating then the sheen off that lifestyle will wear off pretty quickly.
>inb4 "you're saying rich people aren't really happy" no - I'm saying for ME I couldn't be rich and happy unless I enjoyed my work