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If that is actually you, you're the embodiment of /pol/. Talk 24/7 abouy niggers and jews and yet still can't come up with a feasible solution. Probably greek and is self-hating for not a being blue eyed blonde hair beast.
>Niggers are everywhere, white birth rates are decreasing, and the Jews run everything.
Even stormfrontniggers know when to shut up.
So listen to me 16yr old kid who probably got kicked out of his school for drawing swastikas after a black guy bullied him around, leave this site all together and enjoy your fucking childhood cause you don't get seconds in life. Don't let politics consume you.
Don't even go back to pol, go back to your once happy life you sometimes remisince for. Jesus, just sad.
Also mods ip ban him im pretty sure he just outed himself.