I seriously hope all the posters ITT saying Russia isn't shit never create a national attitude in the USA where we spoil for a war. A war with Russia would leave both countries far poorer and cause destruction and death never before witnessed on this Earth. Every new war between industrial powers starts with the promise of home by Christmas and ends with the civilized world in shambles. A war between the USA and Russia would not have a victor, but be decided by who loses least. Such a conflict would set back progress in infrastructure both industrial and civil, as war production takes precedence over quality of life, development is destroyed by war, and civil issues are left to fester while the war is on.
Russia has come a long ways since the fall of the soviet union, they are not the dishevelled mess of the 90s anymore, and while not on the bleeding edge are perfectly capable. The discipline of Russian forces is back to mostly professional levels and any cherrypicking of incidents of poor command structure or lack of discipline could go for the USA as well, no longer are entire regiments out of line. The quality of gear and logistics has been standardized and improved, force projection capabilities are much improved and constantly being refined through experiments in Ukraine and Syria. Russia's development and procurement base is behind the USA's and a massive program to improve Russias ability to push the technological envelope is being started, modelled off of a strange combination of the old design bureau system and western state regulated and occasionally state fed capitalist system you see in the American silicon valley and military industrial complex. If it succeeds they will close the tech gap with the USA, not that it is as significant as everyone likes to tell themselves it is. I'm not a Rusia #1 shill, I'm just facing reality.
>tl;dr USA vs Russia, only death wins.