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8KiB, 263x191, bill_cipher_overload__by_monotoneinkwell-d761088.jpg
as much as i believe that a corporation should not be in the most subscribed youtube channel throne, i believe we do not have many other choices, my fellow gamers. the worldwide advertisements have gained us an advantage, but there is no use against a lawless sub bot. our only option at this point in time is for us NEETS and robots, weebs and communists, and all individuals under the 4chan umbrella, to do what we do best. a raid. let us all spam t-series' report button and tell google about their sub bots. the chance of google taking down a successful music label is slim, but i'd rather take a chance, then a indian tyrant being the face of youtube. i hope, i beg, i plead that this all goes well in the end.