>>6942572i'm actually very intelligent, moreso than you, apparently. i have a suggestion for you:
Map America's natural variety. Get all scientific with the terminology, and then map it out by Sq Km or miles, whichever you prefer. Don't neglect the vast oceans adjacent to each coast.
Now do the same for Russia. You'll find that there's 1 1/2 mountain ranges, 2 arctic coasts, and an area that's, like, halfway towards a desert.
Now multiply each zone by it's land area. You'll find that, despite its inferior aggregate, USA has significantly more diversity, with adequate size multiplier to boot.
Diversity is a function of volume and size. You are demonstrably my inferior, whether BOT, JIDF, or incel American. I will take great pleasure in culling your like, as you have no link to our noble past, nor to our noble future. Maybe...kill yourself???