>Be me
>Go to a Church Camp cuz mom wants me to
>Be in final year of high school
>Find out about tradition that final years can prank anyone without consequence.
> Don't take advantage but find out that one friend has stolen sleeping bags from the year below and hid them in his cabin
> Go to McDonalds (Other tradition)
>Come back to find that the all final year rooms have been turnedupsidedown.exe. and by this I mean literally turned upside down, as in bunkbeds flipped over end tables stacked against door, and all bed clothes and luggage stolen and lest in the middle of a muddy field.
> Learn that one of the leaders from the year below (A bodybuilder Chad type) was the master mind
> E X T E R M I N A T U S
> One week later he leaves church to find his car up on cinder blocks and a note that says
>TFW he gets salty and acts like he didn't deserve what he got