>>6990481You know what's funny, is my oldest son is in South Korea right now, stationed at Camp Casey, just 7 miles south of the DMZ, serving as a 68W combat medic with a specialty in extraction/evac.
Kid is badass as fuck. He knows how to murder you with nothing, how to make it painful, and how to keep you alive with duct tape and a ball point pen.
The camps motto is "push north and push west"
Basically, "if shit goes down", he'll be in the first wave of US troops sent in to slaughter the Chinks, making sure US troops can keep fighting, and keeping captured/wounded Chinese alive so we can torture them for information later.
Which is great to me.
He's fucked a couple of South Koreans. He says their pussies smell delicious, but it's like sticking your dick in a vending machine.
Anyway. The point isn't so much to preserve the sanctity of South Korean genetics. Who cares what blood pumps in your veins? I'm 1/4 Inuit and 3/4 Danish. His mom is 1/2 Mexican and 1/2 Daughter of the American Revolution. Racial purity? Bitch please. We're the perfect blend of people who fuck up Aryan Brotherhood *and* BLM.
Nah. My kids a capitalist, just like his old man. And he's protecting our investments. Which is all Korea is, just a subsidiary of the US capitalist society.
This boards obsession over race, while you faggots struggle over finding a girl or a decent job, it's hilarious to me. Y'all are soft.
I typically post with the Democratic flag on here, just to piss off the morons who care about that sort of thing. But I'm turning it off for just a moment so you know who I am.
Why were you in China? Were you a teacher? That's cute.. good for you.